New bands for old farts

He only has one bass, that butchered Ric. The first time we saw them, he would switch to a guitar, and odd Ric, when Ben switched guitars but he doesn't do that anymore.

Ok, they either dropped the alternate tuning songs or reconfigured them to play them in standard. Interesting.
Ok, they either dropped the alternate tuning songs or reconfigured them to play them in standard. Interesting.

I think Charles just altered his parts to be played on his bass because they did play the alternate tuned songs. It's not like you need to play the bass in an alternate tuning when the guitar is in an alternate tuning. In my last band, for the last year or so of it, I played bass. We had a ton of drop D songs, so I ended up just tuning my bass down a full step all the time. I just adjusted my playing to work a full step down, then I didn't need to drop the E every few songs.
I think Charles just altered his parts to be played on his bass because they did play the alternate tuned songs. It's not like you need to play the bass in an alternate tuning when the guitar is in an alternate tuning. In my last band, for the last year or so of it, I played bass. We had a ton of drop D songs, so I ended up just tuning my bass down a full step all the time. I just adjusted my playing to work a full step down, then I didn't need to drop the E every few songs.

Those tunes were played DGCGAE. It's really weird.
Those tunes were played DGCGAE. It's really weird.

Yeah but for the most part, he is only playing one note at a time on bass and you can find those anywhere. Just pick key of what the guitar player is doing and hit that note or if you want to get crazy, make a power chord on the bass :grin:
Yeah but for the most part, he is only playing one note at a time on bass and you can find those anywhere. Just pick key of what the guitar player is doing and hit that note or if you want to get crazy, make a power chord on the bass :grin:

Yeah, but is Ben still playing in those tunings with the Knaggs, or did he reconfigure them too?
Yeah, but is Ben still playing in those tunings with the Knaggs, or did he reconfigure them too?

The parts didn't sound different. I couldn't really see his hands to see if he was playing different, but the Knaggs and the LP sounded very different.
The parts didn't sound different. I couldn't really see his hands to see if he was playing different, but the Knaggs and the LP sounded very different.

I'm going to assume the Knaggs is the new alternate tuning guitar and the LP stayed static.
You're right. I was back with you and it was hard to see. But I think that was for one, maybe 2 songs.
