New bands for old farts

Just spent an hour in the cleanroom with Chon playlist running.

Meh, sounded like one long song, reminiscent of older fusion. Not for me. They can play for sure, but it nearly put me to sleep.
I just listened to a few songs on the ride home from work. My initial reaction was WOW these guys can play. That drummer is impressive....they all are really.
But I’d have to be in the mood for this. I typically like a more rock type soundscape. Something more aggressive. And even though I like the Vai, Satriani thing, I typically gravitate towards lyric based music
Haken (progressive metal, more interesting than Dream Theater)
Vektor (extreme thrash but very progressive)
MindMaze (power/traditional/prog metal)
Alcest (shoegaze post black metal)
Avatarium (doom/retro-'70s rock)
Leprous (avant garde prog metal)
Wilderun (folk metal)
Helion Prime (power metal, cool riffing w/sci-fi themes)
Ingloriuos (old school heavy rock)
Ok, now this I dig.
Not necessarily gym music but all around good playing and songs.

@Guitar Heel forced me to go see them a few years ago. We will be seeing them for the third time Sunday. Ok, he didn't force me, he asked politely and I went. :grin:

The first time we saw them, I really liked the opening band, but I can't remember their name. I guess that is the old fart part :grin: