Bannon flat-out said yesterday they're going to take out the media as part of their plan to take down the government from the inside. That talk from him should be getting more attention than it is.
That is not the intent. The intent is to discredit the press in the eyes of the people so that, when the real info on the Russia connections finally comes out and is reported, no one will believe it."If the intent was to intimidate reporters into writing fewer things that the administration does not like, and more things that it does, it is doomed to failure."
- Los Angeles Times ed/op
or anything else they're doing, behind closed doors with no press.That is not the intent. The intent is to discredit the press in the eyes of the people so that, when the real info on the Russia connections finally comes out and is reported, no one will believe it.
"Fake news!"
so, if SCOTUS upholds obama's view of title ix, and trans kids are allowed to use the bathroom of their identity, will dumpster call SCOTUS "those so-called judges" ?
SCOTUS is not in the habit of re-hearing cases after they've made a decision. certainly not in the same year or two or three.He'll try to have it re-litigated with Gorsuch on the bench.
SCOTUS is not in the habit of re-hearing cases after they've made a decision. certainly not in the same year or two or three.
Letting courts strike down rapid deportation is probably the GOP plan. Then the have an excuse to fill private prisons with millions of people who can't afford lawyers. Even rich white people get lost in the federal prison system. Poor people who don't speak English are fucked.
Letting courts strike down rapid deportation is probably the GOP plan. Then the have an excuse to fill private prisons with millions of people who can't afford lawyers. Even rich white people get lost in the federal prison system. Poor people who don't speak English are fucked.
and.....if your going to lock up the 20 million illegals that here, then you're gonna need to build a shit ton of prisons. hey....dumpster can claim to have created thousands and thousands of jobs, by locking up millions and millions. makin' 'mer-ca great again.![]()
oh yea.....i totally meant 'for profit prisons'.FWIW, he needs a bargaining chip with McConnell, who doesn't want anything to do with spending on infrastructure. But build some for profit prisons in Kentucky, and McConnell may bend.