OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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yes. i said that dozens of times back then. but now he's ACTUALLY acting like hitler. and the only way to stop it, is to get rid of him and his regime.
and you can't do that unless you can dig up bad enough shit that he's getting arrested and prosecuted. then dig up the shit on the rest of them.

Not Hitler.

In an interview with Slate, the historian of fascism Robert Paxton warns against describing Donald Trump as fascist because “it’s almost the most powerful epithet you can use.” But in this case, the shoe fits. And here is why.

Like Mussolini, Trump rails against intruders (Mexicans) and enemies (Muslims), mocks those perceived as weak, encourages a violent reckoning with those his followers perceive as the enemy within (the roughing up of protesters at his rallies), flouts the rules of civil political discourse (the Megyn Kelly menstruation spat), and promises to restore the nation to its greatness not by a series of policies, but by the force of his own personality (“I will be great for” fill in the blank).

To quote Paxton again, this time from his seminal “The Anatomy of Fascism”: “Fascist leaders made no secret of having no program.” This explains why Trump supporters are not bothered by his ideological malleability and policy contradictions: He was pro-choice before he was pro-life; donated to politicians while now he rails against that practice; married three times and now embraces evangelical Christianity; is the embodiment of capitalism and yet promises to crack down on free trade. In the words of the Italian writer Umberto Eco, fascism was “a beehive of contradictions.” It bears noting that Mussolini was a socialist unionizer before becoming a fascist union buster, a journalist before cracking down on free press, a republican before becoming a monarchist. [snip]

White Baby boomer amateur blues singers make the best right wing conspiracy nuts.

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“I find it very interesting that the chancellor saw teachers that were pushing rigorous learning, students asking each other high-level questions and cultivating high-level responses, and teachers who take initiative and give their lives to the education of these children,” said Jefferson teacher Caroline Hunt. “DeVos saw something so different. … Maybe if DeVos knew more about education she would realize just how amazing the students, teachers and staff are.”

Jefferson Academy fights back on the DeVos' 'receive mode' comment via twitter

Here are the tweets from Jefferson Middle School Academy, or @jatrojans:
(click the link, there are several tweets)
At the possible expense of their own political career? ain't gonna happen

I know, I'm just venting. He's going to do something impeachable in the next year and he's gonna slide because no one is willing to stick their neck out. Frustrated that they're willing to sell everyone out either because of ideology or because they're afraid of the lunatic fringe that's becoming less of a fringe.
I get that but at a certain point if you see something's wrong and it's something of this magnitude stand up and say it's wrong. I understand most people aren't going to do it but it would be nice if someone figuratively punched these bullies in the face.
like Reich said.....get a bunch of you together and stand the hell up. start an alternate gop.
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