OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I don't think that's the right kind of storm that surrounding D-bag in-Ept.
I still don't see why you think it would cause a war if it was something both sides wanted. Don't you think the Fox news crowd would love to get rid of all of the liberals from their country? I'm sure the liberals would have no problem if the fox news crowd were out of theirs as well. Both sides win.

A lot of the brains and money would reside in one country. A lot of the military might would reside in the other. Nobody wins.
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A lot of the brains and money would reside in one country. A lot of the military might would reside in the other. Nobody wins.

That argument has been made and I don't buy it. The military hasn't invaded Mexico or Canada so why would it invade the other country (or countries) if the US split up? When you look at the real money in the US, that would most likely end up in the red country. One look at Trump's cabinet shows you that.
That argument has been made and I don't buy it. The military hasn't invaded Mexico or Canada so why would it invade the other country (or countries) if the US split up? When you look at the real money in the US, that would most likely end up in the red country. One look at Trump's cabinet shows you that.

Have you been told about what happened the last time this country tried to split up?

2016 election by county. Go ahead and divide up the country now.


I see several good groupings there. But that's not the point. I see no way of moving forward as a United country. It can't happen, it's only a matter of time before shit really blows up. If anyone else has a good option of moving the country forward and uniting it, I'm all ears. I would love to hear a solution that could bridge the divide between left and right but I don't think there is one.

On a side note, look at the Mexican border. Isn't it odd that almost every county along the border voted against Trump and by proxy against the wall.
I'm done with those people. There's no reasoning with people who are happy to exist in their own reality. I'm not cutting people out of my life because of it, but it has changed my opinion on some people I know, and not for the better. I'm happy to discuss politics with people who have differing views, but when they start dealing in fantasy I flip the "off" switch.
as soon as someone starts the "GAAAWWWDD" bullshit, i turn off the switch.
I see several good groupings there. But that's not the point. I see no way of moving forward as a United country. It can't happen, it's only a matter of time before shit really blows up. If anyone else has a good option of moving the country forward and uniting it, I'm all ears. I would love to hear a solution that could bridge the divide between left and right but I don't think there is one.

Alien invasion. Or less interesting, WWIII.

On a side note, look at the Mexican border. Isn't it odd that almost every county along the border voted against Trump and by proxy against the wall.

It's almost like the border has large populations of.... Mexicans. Crazy.
Alien invasion. Or less interesting, WWIII.

It's almost like the border has large populations of.... Mexicans. Crazy.

So Mexicans can vote in US elections now. I guess its a good thing Trump is investigating voter fraud.
You have way more faith in the people than I do. I lost most of the faith I had when Trump won the nomination, I lost what I had left when he won. I have zero faith in the people in this country now.
i don't have trust (not faith) in americans anymore either. i'm trying to figure out how i can afford to move to Austrailia....i'm not joking.
So Mexicans can vote in US elections now. I guess its a good thing Trump is investigating voter fraud.

I figured I would have to clarify for you.

Partly Mexicans of that ethnic/national background who are legal American citizens, born here or otherwise. And partly because business interests with lots of power within those zones employ huge quantities of cheap Mexican labour, legal or not.

I'm sure there are also plenty of non-Mexican people living in those areas who also support/sympathize with the cause of immigrants. That includes myself, even though I'm a white dude in Detroit.
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