we can only hope.I think that while conservatives will be happy with Gorsuch, Trump will not. And his ire will be his undoing.
we can only hope.I think that while conservatives will be happy with Gorsuch, Trump will not. And his ire will be his undoing.
we can only hope.
I love this part:For those that want to read the order. Pretty good reading, from my perspective.
This part is interesting:
It would indeed be ironic if, in the name of national defense, we would sanction the subversion of one of those liberties . . . which makes the defense of the Nation worthwhile.”); Zemel v. Rusk, 381 U.S. 1, 17 (1965)
Well, we did just that with Japanese internment. Let's not go back there.
There are lots of parts I like in that. How the court addresses the POTUS's failure to present any evidence to support its claim of urgency to protect us from terror, the way the court basically states "your arguments suck and you pretty much didn't even read the cases you cited", that "we are not to re-write your ass-clown order, and you can't have your pet lawyer do it after the fact without issuing an amended order either" and other gems like that (reading between the lines). But another really favorite part is this one, in all caps and bold.
Exactly. The GOP and their owners aren't finished using him up yet.It won't be immediate. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
I, with my touch of superstition, am not willing to rule anything out. And I am no federal constitutional lawyer arguing before SCOTUS. Therefore I refuse to make firm predictions. However, it seems to me if the case is approached how SCOTUS normally does, it will not take it up. But, one never knows. SCOTUS sometimes takes stuff, . . . because it was a virtual slap i was sayin.....there's no way scotus takes this up after those findings. not without some kind of spectacular compelling reasons.
with the current people sitting....the only way i can see scotus taking up this to put it down like a lame horse. the court is split. they would not take up this case knowing that the vote would end up 50/50.....leaving the lower court's ruling in tact. waste of time. with the court not having a tie breaker sitting on the court, they all know that there is no outcome, IF it ended up down "party lines".I, with my touch of superstition, am not willing to rule anything out. And I am no federal constitutional lawyer arguing before SCOTUS. Therefore I refuse to make firm predictions. However, it seems to me if the case is approached how SCOTUS normally does, it will not take it up. But, one never knows. SCOTUS sometimes takes stuff, . . . because it does.
There are lots of parts I like in that. How the court addresses the POTUS's failure to present any evidence to support its claim of urgency to protect us from terror, the way the court basically states "your arguments suck and you pretty much didn't even read the cases you cited", that "we are not to re-write your ass-clown order, and you can't have your pet lawyer do it after the fact without issuing an amended order either" and other gems like that (reading between the lines). But another really favorite part is this one, in all caps and bold.
Please elaborate. I will admit I engaged in some giddiness in my reading and commentary. But interested in what you mean.Hmmmmm
key words.....'among trump supporters'......that's like asking eichman, gohring, speer, and hess what they think of adoph.This is disturbing...
Yes it is.This is disturbing...
<<<<<<<<<<<Please elaborate. I will admit I engaged in some giddiness in my reading and commentary. But interested in what you mean.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk sounds like the very sad website for the world's boringest theme park.You can't fix stupid.