Live to wine
This graphic likely caused Bannon tremendous feelings of inadequacy. Look for him to really step up his game!
That's fair and balanced news back home. Get used to it Schneeflocke.What the actual FUCK?!?
That's fair and balanced news back home. Get used to it Schneeflocke.![]()
They eat that shit up, because on their debate shows they always have one person there giving the liberal viewpoint to serve as a punching bag, and give the illusion that they are giving them a platform.Balanced my arse.![]()
They eat that shit up, because on their debate shows they always have one person there giving the liberal viewpoint to serve as a punching bag, and give the illusion that they are giving them a platform.
Works like a jedi mind trick for the weak.
MSNBC at least has Rachel Maddow. Thank God for that.MSNBC and CNN do it to. It's all bullshit.
MSNBC at least has Rachel Maddow. Thank God for that.
MSNBC and CNN do it to. It's all bullshit.
They do to an extent but nothing is as bad as Fox. They played the birther bullshit for 8 years and gave Sarah Palin a platform.
manson....shit Ted Bundy didn't do that stuff. he killed a few people, yes, but he never killed hundreds or thousands.What the everloving fuckadoodledoo is that bullshit?
You know who else didn't do that stuff? Charles Fucking Manson. So he's a stand up guy too, Fux and Fiends?
Yeah, it's another part of the false equivalency issues between libs/dems and cons/reps. Neither group is great, but one is clearly playing different dirtier brand of pool...and that also goes for their news outlets. Fox (and their the best of the right leaning bunch) regularly deals in half truths and lies. CNN is really middle of the road, despite not favoring Trump in this election, and their actual news reporting generally focuses on the facts. Even MSNBC that wears their liberal lean on their sleeves, deals in facts that they'll use to make the GOP/neo-cons look bad. But neither they nor CNN resort to intentional dissemination of false information as fact. And get this, when they do get something wrong, they acknowledge, apologize, and move forward.
This is getting too circular...we've all stated our views on this particular point of the news media. It's not great, but it's not all bad...regardless of which way they lean. Unless, of course they lean right.![]()
Another thing to add, I haven't watched MSNBC in years, so maybe they have changed and I don't know. But when Anthony Weiner had is dick pick scandal, they were just as hard (pardon the pun) on him, if not harder than Fox. They didn't give him a pass. Fox actually propped up Palin as a viable VP. I can't imagine if the dems put up someone like Palin, they would prop her up and say how great they were and then give them a job after the election.
Pretty much how I see it. Though I know the Democrats have their own horse and pony show tactics. I'd still rather vote for someone who tells me they'll do well so we can hold their feet to the fire when they don't, rather than the guy who just says "fuck you, I got mines".Oh yeah, like the Daily Show, MSNBC never pulled punches when liberals (or liberal media) screwed up. They do a better job of being the fourth estate...holding the other branches accountable for their shit and even grudgingly lauding their successes.
The fundamental difference seems to really be about what constitutes success or failure. Liberal politicians and media are generally more about doing the best for the most amount of people. The conservative politicians and media are about doing what's best for the financial power structure while selling bullshit concern for the middle and lower/lesser classes to those demographics. Historically, the conservatives (regardless of the party) have done little for the little man...that's been the work of progressives, who have generally been liberal.
"newly-confirmed Attorney General Jeff Sessions said America’s “classical” principles about religious freedoms don't apply to immigrants seeking to come into the country."
Did Jeff Sessions ever take a basic history class? The original Americans were immigrants and they came here for religious freedoms. How the hell do people that ignorant get to the top of our government?