OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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We are truly watching the demise of our country. Unless something drastic happens, we won't be that beacon of light to the rest of the world we once were.
My wife is also a teacher.... she loves to teach and has zero desire to move "upward" into administration strictly for the money. She also accepts student teachers and mentors even when there is little or no monetary reward because she wants to see more GOOD teachers in the profession.

She also accepts having ESL (English is their Second Language) students and other students with emotional or learning problems even though they will bring down the averages of the test scores in the room... because those are the kids who NEED the most help. When funding of the schools is awarded by test scores, it is completely BACKWARDS because there is a direct correlation to success and money in the schools. The wealthier districts have parents who spend time with their kids or are able to enrich their lives with trips, tutors, books, and other things that kids in poorer districts don't have access to... or their parents can't afford because they're working multiple or low paying jobs that they don't want their kids stuck in.

If people like Betsy DeVos really wanted to help kids.... the 20 million or so that she gave to different republican elections could have gone straight to the public schools of Michigan... could you imagine what that could have done? how many books, ipads, or even MEALS that could have provided for? It's sad how deep these people's ignorance and hate runs.

Well said. My brother is a 6th grade math teacher in Florida. He teaches at the richest and best middle school in the state and he thinks it is ridiculous when he gets a bonus each year because his students pass their standardized tests. He thinks he should be paid the least because he has it the easiest. He thinks the people who work in the city schools should make more than him and get the bonuses.
The only thing these guys fear is not getting re-elected. Everyone in their district that reaches out and tells them how they do not represent their interests & will not get a vote next time can make a difference. At the least, their staff track this from calls and update them with the results.

again, i hear what you are saying. but there's a dem senator and rep senator. that's how it works. there's never two dems or two reps.
the list here in ohio goes like this.....glenn => voinevich => portman. that's 42 years and only 3 people in the position. portman will be reelcted until HE decides to retires and he knows it.
If people like Betsy DeVos really wanted to help kids.... the 20 million or so that she gave to different republican elections could have gone straight to the public schools of Michigan... c michigan?? bwaaahaahaa. that money would have never SEEN a classroom. michigan is one of the most corrupt states in the nation, i used to live there. there's a reason i don't anymore.
again, i hear what you are saying. but there's a dem senator and rep senator. that's how it works. there's never two dems or two reps.
the list here in ohio goes like this.....glenn => voinevich => portman. that's 42 years and only 3 people in the position. portman will be reelcted until HE decides to retires and he knows it.

Its a phone call. A couple minutes out of your life. almost as easy as hitting submit on a post here.
If you're passionate enough to repeatedly post in this thread, share some of that passion with your elected officials and fellow citizens
We are truly watching the demise of our country. Unless something drastic happens, we won't be that beacon of light to the rest of the world we once were.

Well said. My brother is a 6th grade math teacher in Florida. He teaches at the richest and best middle school in the state and he thinks it is ridiculous when he gets a bonus each year because his students pass their standardized tests. He thinks he should be paid the least because he has it the easiest. He thinks the people who work in the city schools should make more than him and get the bonuses.

Put more financial incentive for the schools who are in desperate need of good teachers or who will face the most challenging students. It's logical but doesn't seem to work for these spreadsheet politicians and wealthy people who don't want to see their tax dollars benefit anyone in need elsewhere in their state. michigan?? bwaaahaahaa. that money would have never SEEN a classroom. michigan is one of the most corrupt states in the nation, i used to live there. there's a reason i don't anymore.

Okay... instead of donating it to the state, could you imagine if a wealthy beneficiary showed up at an inner city school with a truck load of iPads? Or paid for musical instruments for an entire school system? That would be immediate and effective change based on their dollars....

... but that isn't the kind of change Betsy Devos is looking for. She wants students praying in school and the next generation to be good little Christians... not scientists or engineers.
I don't know why anyone is surprised by the confirmation of DeVos. Do you think the rich (and by extension, the Republican party) actually want an educated populace? Fuck no!
So let's get on with the charter schools and vouchers so that the remaining public schools can just get shittier and shittier. Then the middle class, working class, and poor will have even less knowledge and even fewer critical thinking skills than ever. Then they can keep voting for the Republicans, who will keep promoting policies that benefit the rich.
It's perfect.

Okay... instead of donating it to the state, could you imagine if a wealthy beneficiary showed up at an inner city school with a truck load of iPads? Or paid for musical instruments for an entire school system? That would be immediate and effective change based on their dollars....

... but that isn't the kind of change Betsy Devos is looking for. She wants students praying in school and the next generation to be good little Christians... not scientists or engineers.

And tax breaks for the rich to send their kids to private school. Yeah sure, some middle class and poor people will benefit from it. But the ratios won't favor them. Not by a long shot. And like Micwalt said, that's the key to oligarchy and eliminating upward mobility.
Another thing to do, besides calling your reps and senators, is to donate something to the ACLU. I may not agree with every single thing they do, but they are a good counterweight, and actually file lawsuits and attempt to use the courts effectively to defuse some of this stuff.

In fact, instead of the next guitar pedal or cheapo guitar I want to buy on impulse, I will pledge/donate that money now instead.
Your wife teaches in Fairfax? My dad was a teacher/athletic director/principal in Farifax for over 30 years. My wife also works with Fairfax. For the masters program, where she is a professor, the students intern in Fairfax County and my wife runs that program. She also taught at Mt Vernon High School for 5 years.

My wife's been teaching in Fairfax County for 16 years of her 18 years teaching ( first year in DC, '08-'09 in NY). All of those years at Woodley Hills Elementary, just down the road from Mt. Vernon High. Actually, last year and this she has been the school librarian.

Education is overrated. Just be a good worker bee and accept that dinosaurs are a hoax and maybe we'll let you watch the fireworks and have a mass produced beer or two this July.

If they're a hoax, then where is all of the oil coming from. Wait, it must from God to ensure I keep working and my job in outmoded fuels is more important than anything!
Then the middle class, working class, and poor will have even less knowledge and even fewer critical thinking skills than ever. Then they can keep voting for the Republicans, who will keep promoting policies that benefit the rich.

But how is it possible that could have even less knowledge than this twat?
My wife's been teaching in Fairfax County for 16 years of her 18 years teaching ( first year in DC, '08-'09 in NY). All of those years at Woodley Hills Elementary, just down the road from Mt. Vernon High. Actually, last year and this she has been the school librarian.

If they're a hoax, then where is all of the oil coming from. Wait, it must from God to ensure I keep working and my job in outmoded fuels is more important than anything!

That's awesome. Mt Vernon is no joke. My wife was in special ed there. My wife left MT Vernon in '03 when our oldest was born.
Portman's D.C. And Columbus lines were deactivated temporarily due to how many people were contacting him over DeVos, and today he published a shitty Facebook statement about how DeVos was the daughter of a teacher... so the internet has taken to roasting his smug ass with "Well, my dad did X, so would you trust me with Y?"

Portman's career in Ohio might finally be over. A lot of people are pissed.
Well say hello to dictator Trump. I guess we will get ready for a bill to amend the constitution to remove term limits on the president.

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