Slender Hobbit
We are truly watching the demise of our country. Unless something drastic happens, we won't be that beacon of light to the rest of the world we once were.
Well said. My brother is a 6th grade math teacher in Florida. He teaches at the richest and best middle school in the state and he thinks it is ridiculous when he gets a bonus each year because his students pass their standardized tests. He thinks he should be paid the least because he has it the easiest. He thinks the people who work in the city schools should make more than him and get the bonuses.
My wife is also a teacher.... she loves to teach and has zero desire to move "upward" into administration strictly for the money. She also accepts student teachers and mentors even when there is little or no monetary reward because she wants to see more GOOD teachers in the profession.
She also accepts having ESL (English is their Second Language) students and other students with emotional or learning problems even though they will bring down the averages of the test scores in the room... because those are the kids who NEED the most help. When funding of the schools is awarded by test scores, it is completely BACKWARDS because there is a direct correlation to success and money in the schools. The wealthier districts have parents who spend time with their kids or are able to enrich their lives with trips, tutors, books, and other things that kids in poorer districts don't have access to... or their parents can't afford because they're working multiple or low paying jobs that they don't want their kids stuck in.
If people like Betsy DeVos really wanted to help kids.... the 20 million or so that she gave to different republican elections could have gone straight to the public schools of Michigan... could you imagine what that could have done? how many books, ipads, or even MEALS that could have provided for? It's sad how deep these people's ignorance and hate runs.
Well said. My brother is a 6th grade math teacher in Florida. He teaches at the richest and best middle school in the state and he thinks it is ridiculous when he gets a bonus each year because his students pass their standardized tests. He thinks he should be paid the least because he has it the easiest. He thinks the people who work in the city schools should make more than him and get the bonuses.