OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Johnny, I know you don't want to believe that the republican party is mostly pro life and anti gay, but look at what the candidates campaign on and look at them win in the red areas. I am willing to give you that some of them don't follow politics and current events and may not know what the candidates are promoting, but that is probably more dangerous than actually knowing and voting along. Every republican candidate for the past 15 years has campaigned on fighting to overturn Roe V Wade and making sure gay people can't get married. And they keep winning.


I read an article recently that touched on this subject. The point of the article was that there is a disconnect between the "party" and the people. Just like you said, the candidates still run on the same platform but many of the people, people who are registered republican or are conservative or however they defined them don't share those specific beliefs. And like the Sun Valley pointed out, there are a lot of Christians that feel very misrepresented and I think the same goes for republicans/conservatives. But you are right, those candidates keep winning.

Just my personal opinion but I think they keep winning for two reasons. They vote party because they feel the alternative is worse AND even though those items have always been a part of the platform, nothing will be done about it. In other words, they are political footballs that get tossed around but that's about it. I think that is the perception. I read an article a while back that talked about certain issues that will always be brought up for debate during campaigns but politicians don't actually want to solve them because they are good campaign fodder. To me, it's another way the business of politics is playing us all. And this is where I think the problem is. I think the political part of the equation, the parties themselves, love that we are now all fighting so hard against each other. And it's effective. I'm fairly open minded but the crap I see on a daily basis really pushes me away from people I used to think were pretty normal.

I don't think there is near as much difference between people as there is between parties. I've just come to believe that political party stance is directly related to money/lobby/special interest and is out of touch with the people they represent.
So while all of this seems to be the unified belief of Christian churches in America today, I'm agreeing that before the eighties there was a lot of room for differences in the religion. And the shift wasn't prompted by the church or religious people. They were just the unwitting objects of clever propaganda.

So after this, I am backing out of religion and back into politics, but I think there are a lot of differences among those identifying as Christian still today. I myself don't go to any church regularly. I have gone to one once in a while with a female gay former catholic celebrant who was cast out from the local catholic church for her relationship. But there are differences even within churches, the RC church as an example. A lot of life long catholics have long followed the "ala carte" approach to the edicts from the popes. Particularly the conservative last couple before this new one. And there is a big split in the mainstream presbyterian church in Ketchum between the younger and more accepting folks and the oldsters that want to define marriage traditionally, etc.

So, I guess that does touch on politics. Bottom line, I have my faith and beliefs, but it is not governed by any one man made institution (church). Could be a myth, but it is a myth that helps me live a better life. And I have a hard time believing there is no universal intelligence higher power out there. So, I am good with that, and continue to have my faith.

Ok, back to goofball politics. Seems like the institutions of our government that I was raised to believe in may also be a myth. But, maybe not. The judiciary is attempting to do its part. The press seems to be working on things. We'll see what congress does. Not holding my breath on that one, but who knows? I will continue to try to do my part.
wr/t the whole idea of who republicans are or who democrats are, it's just easier to reduce a complicated or diverse set of ideas/beliefs/motivations/people down to labels that are either positive or negative...especially when you want to diminish the opposition with out much effort; religious zealots, xenophobes, snowflakes, bleeding hearts, socialist, etc.

But the truth is that it really doesn't matter how diverse a typical R or D voter is in the big scheme. (yes, primaries & party platform are often influenced by a subset of the party members; entirely separate conversation). Functionally the two parties are consolidating points ideology, money, power & influence and as a result most politicians are unwilling to step too far out of the party line; you're often buying the entire party platform, like it or not, when you cast your vote for those candidates. When a guy like McConnell knows he doesn't face a legit threat in the next election from outside the party, what motivation does he have to compromise? If we weren't dominated by two opposing parties or had more congress members willing to part from the party line, we wouldn't be so crippled by partisan politics and these rubberbanding of direction when the party control of Washington changes. It's going to take a long time and candidates willing to break away & take on the risk to get away from this.
wr/t the whole idea of who republicans are or who democrats are, it's just easier to reduce a complicated or diverse set of ideas/beliefs/motivations/people down to labels that are either positive or negative...especially when you want to diminish the opposition with out much effort; religious zealots, xenophobes, snowflakes, bleeding hearts, socialist, etc.

But the truth is that it really doesn't matter how diverse a typical R or D voter is in the big scheme. (yes, primaries & party platform are often influenced by a subset of the party members; entirely separate conversation). Functionally the two parties are consolidating points ideology, money, power & influence and as a result most politicians are unwilling to step too far out of the party line; you're often buying the entire party platform, like it or not, when you cast your vote for those candidates. When a guy like McConnell knows he doesn't face a legit threat in the next election from outside the party, what motivation does he have to compromise? If we weren't dominated by two opposing parties or had more congress members willing to part from the party line, we wouldn't be so crippled by partisan politics and these rubberbanding of direction when the party control of Washington changes. It's going to take a long time and candidates willing to break away & take on the risk to get away from this.
Agreed. I never registered with any party until the last election, and that was only to caucus for Bernie, who was really a Dem in name only pretty much. Some of the voting reforms discussed way earlier in this thread would be nice. Though I haven't heard much talk about that from the Dems, much less the currently victorious GOP.

Pence breaks Senate tie to confirm DeVos as education secretary

President Donald Trump's choice of billionaire Betsy DeVos to be education secretary was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, but only after Vice President Mike Pence was called in to break a tie that threatened to defeat her.

The tie-breaking vote, which Senate officials said was unprecedented to confirm a president's Cabinet nominee, came after two Republicans joined with 46 Democrats and two independents in opposition to DeVos. Critics have called her unprepared to lead the Department of Education

Pence breaks Senate tie to confirm DeVos as education secretary

President Donald Trump's choice of billionaire Betsy DeVos to be education secretary was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, but only after Vice President Mike Pence was called in to break a tie that threatened to defeat her.

The tie-breaking vote, which Senate officials said was unprecedented to confirm a president's Cabinet nominee, came after two Republicans joined with 46 Democrats and two independents in opposition to DeVos. Critics have called her unprepared to lead the Department of Education

In the parlance of the alternative-fact-driven Trump Junta, a 51-50 win is a mandate...

Pence breaks Senate tie to confirm DeVos as education secretary

President Donald Trump's choice of billionaire Betsy DeVos to be education secretary was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, but only after Vice President Mike Pence was called in to break a tie that threatened to defeat her.

The tie-breaking vote, which Senate officials said was unprecedented to confirm a president's Cabinet nominee, came after two Republicans joined with 46 Democrats and two independents in opposition to DeVos. Critics have called her unprepared to lead the Department of Education

That seriously disgusts me. She was the most unqualified person in the history of nominations and 50 senators thought she was good for the job. Now before anyone says "oh that leftist Chad spouting off again," my wife has a PhD in Special Education and is a professor and leading researcher at a pretty prestigious university. She, along with her entire department, could not believe this woman even made it out of committee she was so bad. They all should be ashamed of themselves and if they win their seats back in the next election maybe its time for the Apes to rise up and take over.

Pence breaks Senate tie to confirm DeVos as education secretary

President Donald Trump's choice of billionaire Betsy DeVos to be education secretary was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, but only after Vice President Mike Pence was called in to break a tie that threatened to defeat her.

The tie-breaking vote, which Senate officials said was unprecedented to confirm a president's Cabinet nominee, came after two Republicans joined with 46 Democrats and two independents in opposition to DeVos. Critics have called her unprepared to lead the Department of Education


Pence breaks Senate tie to confirm DeVos as education secretary

President Donald Trump's choice of billionaire Betsy DeVos to be education secretary was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, but only after Vice President Mike Pence was called in to break a tie that threatened to defeat her.

The tie-breaking vote, which Senate officials said was unprecedented to confirm a president's Cabinet nominee, came after two Republicans joined with 46 Democrats and two independents in opposition to DeVos. Critics have called her unprepared to lead the Department of Education

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Her goal from day one has been to increase funding to private (Christian) and charter (Christian) schools to increase the number of people who are conditioned from an early age to be Christian to turn this into a "Nation of God".

That is so against the mother fucking first amendment it makes my skin crawl... I don't care if people want to go to church on Sunday, or if they want to go play golf. I'm against any organized "education" that is anti-science.

Every time Mike Pence would say "I'm a Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order" I just come unglued. Listen up fuck head... your JOB is to support the CONSTITUTION FIRST.... but you don't give a rats ass about any of that. You think the earth is 6000 years old and that the rapture is coming.

FML. :annoyed:
not just a moron in charge of public schools, a moron who's actively opposed to public education!

yeah and if she went to private schools, I would never consider sending my kids to one. I showed her tweet to my 7th grader and she pointed out all of the grammatical errors in it.
not just a moron in charge of public schools, a moron who's actively opposed to public education! just follows their whole game plan. they hate the EPA, so they put the guy charge who's been suing the EPA for over a decade.
they want to get in bed with Putin, so they make the guy who's already in bed with Putin the Sec. State.
they want to deregulate wall street so they get a guy from goldman sachs/hedge fund/aggressive forcloser during the Sec. Treas.

it's all part of the plan. it's called an oligarchy.
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Her goal from day one has been to increase funding to private (Christian) and charter (Christian) schools to increase the number of people who are conditioned from an early age to be Christian to turn this into a "Nation of God".

That is so against the mother fucking first amendment it makes my skin crawl... I don't care if people want to go to church on Sunday, or if they want to go play golf. I'm against any organized "education" that is anti-science.

Every time Mike Pence would say "I'm a Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order" I just come unglued. Listen up fuck head... your JOB is to support the CONSTITUTION FIRST.... but you don't give a rats ass about any of that. You think the earth is 6000 years old and that the rapture is coming.

FML. :annoyed:

have you forgotten that pence is the guy who came up with the whole 'religious liberty' law? you know, so the christians can continue to discrimate against those they don't like. nearly cost him the govenorship. but hey......what's a little institutional hate among friends.:mad:
Sec of Ed is a young position, but this is unarguably the least qualified person to be nominated, let alone confirmed.

The bullshit spin will be in full effect, but there is no justification for supporting this pick that any Republican can make. Even if they admit they are afraid of the wraith of Trump, it doesn't justify it. Spineless limit men and women are the GOP Senators. They are complicit in what could potentially be the ruination of our public education system. The GOP lie of its corruption, over payment of its teachers, bad spending, etc. is so transparent. The facts via many studies and investigative pieces have born out that charter schools have a higher rate corruption, taking advantage of less oversight and manipulating their numbers while pocketing at least tens of millions of dollars from the government for failing schools. That said, they are not all failures, as many are good organizations that are serving their communities well.

Privatizing education won't make the U.S. smarter, it will just allow greater manipulation of the numbers so asshats like Trump and all little GOP bitches in Congress can claim that enrollment numbers and test scores are up. The electoral college fucked up their job and the GOP Senators are following suit. Pathetic.
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