Not buying that. Look, I know there are morons of all flavors out there and I know the evangelical side of things are as you describe. But in my experience they don't make up the "bulk" of Christians or conservatives. In my circle, whether it be close friends, casual acquaintances, my local church, people I've heard about, or even social media connection to my fishing world, the people you describe are in the vast minority. I'm not saying they don't exist and the ratio may be higher in other's experiences. I just don't see it. In fact, even the really far right crazies I know are more supportive of the idea of tighter immigration, smaller government, etc. but have no issues with gay marriage and abortion. The point is, I think the idea that we are automatically grouping everyone in the same pile is a terrible trend and until we stop, we wont heal.
I think I even saw an interview with Bill Maher saying kind of the same thing. That we can't just automatically assume that all Christians, conservatives, Republicans etc. are homophobic racists. And likewise not all Democrats, liberals etc. aren't all terrorist sympathizing snowflakes. Oversimplified I know but that's the point. Everyone has their heels dug in right now for their team and there is no path to healthy if we keep this way.
I don't have the answers but I know there are smart enough people to figure it out. Letting the political world divide us surely isn't it. You and I have some pretty different positions but I have no doubt we could sit down and have some good conversations about all this. Now, I have some pretty far right Facebook friends that might be a little more challenging for you but I suspect if people from opposite ends of the political line sat down for the purpose of finding common ground they could. We have to want to do it though. We would have to understand it can't always be all or nothing. And we would have to understand that sometimes it is ok to believe the way we do but not always good to legislate others to believe that way. And if we found that ground and elected people based on those middle ground agreements, wouldn't we be better off? I just don't see how continuing to push both sides out as far as we can is the answer.