spaghetti and blankets
I might be in the minority of gun owners, but I really don't care about eliminating all the silly loopholes in the firearms laws, and I actually support closing them. I don't see how anyone can argue against following the rules to buy a gun, whether in a tent or in a shop. I have long felt that private sales of guns should have to go through a FLL dealer with the buyer getting a background check. Anyway, I think our gun crime issues are far deeper than the actual guns, but that would be another argument, and a lot more expensive to implement (like social programs, wage equality, etc.), but following the laws we have and cutting out loopholes is a good place to start.
First thing I'd like to see is vigorous enforcement & prosecution under the current Federal and state laws that exist for firearm violations as well as requiring BCs for all transfers across the map.
I know it's seen a huge states rights issue and all that but I think the myriad of different laws & regs across the country does nothing but muddy the waters and contributes substantially to making any kind of nationwide change a pipe dream
Stupid fucking bullshit going on in this country: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news...gton-dulles-airport-2014-visit-iran?CMP=fb_gu
On the bright side, at least he wasn't targeted for being a Muslim.

alternative facts meet alternative massacres
Morning Mix
Kellyanne Conway cites ‘Bowling Green massacre’ that never happened to defend travel ban
At one point, Conway made a reference to two Iraqi refugees whom she described as the masterminds behind “the Bowling Green massacre.”
“Most people don’t know that because it didn’t get covered,” Conway said.
The Bowling Green massacre didn’t get covered because it didn’t happen. There has never been a terrorist attack in Bowling Green, Ky., carried out by Iraqi refugees or anyone else.