OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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That's good. Something everyone who knows him should remember is that he will always be a prohibited person, no matter how long he stays on the straight and narrow, due to the felony conviction unless he gets a full pardon (in many states).

From my POV, and this is one not shared by many shooting sports enthusiasts, the need to keep firearms out of the hands of prohibited persons outweighs the burden placed on the individual selling their property w/r/t a BC. Oregon requires a BC on all transfers, retail or private & PA requires all except private long guns sales (except direct family transfers to non-prohibited persons). Most people I know in PA require buyers to prove eligibility for long gun transfers by requiring the buyer to possess a valid LTCF, which is revoked by the sheriff when someone who holds one becomes a prohibited person. Something that would facilitate BCs for more private transfers is if states provided a simple & cheap method to do them.

He is an addict. He was convicted of robbing a pharmacy with a toy gun, but in VA toy gun = real gun, so convicted, sentenced to mandatory firearm crime. He got out, stayed clean, the started using again. We figured out he was using and went to his house when he was at work and found the guns and took them from the house right away. He even had written receipts for them from the show which was how we knew where he bought them. And no chance he will ever get near a gun again or drugs for that matter.

That brings up a whole other issue. The way drug addiction is treated and the over prescription of opiates.
No American is more than a 2 hour drive from a gun show where they can purchase a gun with no check and no paperwork.

Despite claims to the contrary, there is a gun show loophole, and it needs to be closed.
Welcome to NY, where the gun shows feature Wi-Fi connections for background checks and PPB forms...
and while we're on guns.

"the House backed a separate resolution doing away with extended background checks for gun purchases by some Social Security recipients with mental disabilities."

That sounds safe.
That's insane. I live on SSDI because my mental health is unstable. I do volunteer work in the mental health community. I know that if I had access to a gun, I likely would have killed myself long ago.
He is an addict. He was convicted of robbing a pharmacy with a toy gun, but in VA toy gun = real gun, so convicted, sentenced to mandatory firearm crime. He got out, stayed clean, the started using again. We figured out he was using and went to his house when he was at work and found the guns and took them from the house right away. He even had written receipts for them from the show which was how we knew where he bought them. And no chance he will ever get near a gun again or drugs for that matter.

That brings up a whole other issue. The way drug addiction is treated and the over prescription of opiates.

Hopefully he can stay clean & keep things on track. Having a supportive and attentive family has to be a benefit.
Tell ya what; when y'all's state secedes from the union, make sure none of you have guns...

I've never owned a gun nor plan on it. My grandfather was an avid hunter and I used to shoot with him when I was a kid but I live in the burbs and think shooting animals as a sport is silly so I'm not sure why I'd ever want one or need one.
I've never owned a gun nor plan on it. My grandfather was an avid hunter and I used to shoot with him when I was a kid but I live in the burbs and think shooting animals as a sport is silly so I'm not sure why I'd ever want one or need one.

Trumpocalypse, obviously.
I've never owned a gun nor plan on it. My grandfather was an avid hunter and I used to shoot with him when I was a kid but I live in the burbs and think shooting animals as a sport is silly so I'm not sure why I'd ever want one or need one.

But what if you need to kill somebody or, ya the world?
As a follow up to my earlier post, I really think guns are a bad idea for those with mental illness.

I run a depression and bipolar support group. Up until last year, I've never seen true psychosis and bipolar anger for myself.

The president of our group had a major manic episode last year that lasted several months. At the time, I was VP of the group. He used $1200 of the group's funds for himself and the board of directors had to vote him out of office. Eventually we got the money back so we did not press charges. But during the episode, he sent me several threatening emails and left several threatening voice mails. I had to confront his rage directly at the meetings. As part of the episode, he became delusional and thought he had been appointed as the US Secretary of Defense. When Obama came to Chicago last year, he went to the airport to meet the President. He never got past security. The cops had to wrestle him to the ground and take him to the psych ward. He was in and out of the hospital at least 7 times last year.

At one point, he came to one of the meetings and demanded a full vote of the membership to see if he should remain president or not. The membership unanimously said no and appointed me president. He became enraged and physically threatened me. We had to have him removed from the meeting room by security. He still is not allowed back into the community center.

I shudder to think of what would have happened if he had access to a weapon.
it's suppose to. yea, i'm sure someone can buy a handgun from a private owner, but.....if you get caught with it, or used it and the cops are brought in, you loose the gun and you go to jail. so you takes yer chances.
Of course, if your sole intention is to buy a gun, head down to the mosque and shoot the place up in a mass murder suicide, you really couldn't care less if the cops caught you. I know, this is an extremely rare situation I'm talking about here.
As a follow up to my earlier post, I really think guns are a bad idea for those with mental illness.

I run a depression and bipolar support group. Up until last year, I've never seen true psychosis and bipolar anger for myself.

The president of our group had a major manic episode last year that lasted several months. At the time, I was VP of the group. He used $1200 of the group's funds for himself and the board of directors had to vote him out of office. Eventually we got the money back so we did not press charges. But during the episode, he sent me several threatening emails and left several threatening voice mails. I had to confront his rage directly at the meetings. As part of the episode, he became delusional and thought he had been appointed as the US Secretary of Defense. When Obama came to Chicago last year, he went to the airport to meet the President. He never got past security. The cops had to wrestle him to the ground and take him to the psych ward. He was in and out of the hospital at least 7 times last year.

At one point, he came to one of the meetings and demanded a full vote of the membership to see if he should remain president or not. The membership unanimously said no and appointed me president. He became enraged and physically threatened me. We had to have him removed from the meeting room by security. He still is not allowed back into the community center.

I shudder to think of what would have happened if he had access to a weapon.

I just hope Rahm gets the help he needs.
Of course, if your sole intention is to buy a gun, head down to the mosque and shoot the place up in a mass murder suicide, you really couldn't care less if the cops caught you. I know, this is an extremely rare situation I'm talking about here.

why is it necessarily a mosque? there have been WAY more school shootings than mosque shootings.
(strange how you almost never see a white baptist church shot up though.)
why is it necessarily a mosque? there have been WAY more school shootings than mosque shootings.
(strange how you almost never see a white baptist church shot up though.)
It's not like I'm sitting here making suggestions, so I really don't know what you're getting at here. I was just making an example of what somebody might do, and the Canada thing was the freshest thing in my mind.
I'm a gun owner. I also have a concealed weapons permit. I use it and I often carry a concealed firearm. I'm a firm believer in the rights of Americans to bear arms. That said, I think the deregulation of firearms rules as we have seen in national politics this week is a clear step in the wrong direction. If anything, I think we need a better system to keep the mentally ill away from guns. I might be in the minority of gun owners, but I really don't care about eliminating all the silly loopholes in the firearms laws, and I actually support closing them. I don't see how anyone can argue against following the rules to buy a gun, whether in a tent or in a shop. I have long felt that private sales of guns should have to go through a FLL dealer with the buyer getting a background check. Anyway, I think our gun crime issues are far deeper than the actual guns, but that would be another argument, and a lot more expensive to implement (like social programs, wage equality, etc.), but following the laws we have and cutting out loopholes is a good place to start.
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