Slender Hobbit
That's good. Something everyone who knows him should remember is that he will always be a prohibited person, no matter how long he stays on the straight and narrow, due to the felony conviction unless he gets a full pardon (in many states).
From my POV, and this is one not shared by many shooting sports enthusiasts, the need to keep firearms out of the hands of prohibited persons outweighs the burden placed on the individual selling their property w/r/t a BC. Oregon requires a BC on all transfers, retail or private & PA requires all except private long guns sales (except direct family transfers to non-prohibited persons). Most people I know in PA require buyers to prove eligibility for long gun transfers by requiring the buyer to possess a valid LTCF, which is revoked by the sheriff when someone who holds one becomes a prohibited person. Something that would facilitate BCs for more private transfers is if states provided a simple & cheap method to do them.
He is an addict. He was convicted of robbing a pharmacy with a toy gun, but in VA toy gun = real gun, so convicted, sentenced to mandatory firearm crime. He got out, stayed clean, the started using again. We figured out he was using and went to his house when he was at work and found the guns and took them from the house right away. He even had written receipts for them from the show which was how we knew where he bought them. And no chance he will ever get near a gun again or drugs for that matter.
That brings up a whole other issue. The way drug addiction is treated and the over prescription of opiates.