OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Trump celebrates Black History Month.

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An awesome lie. It was definitely touched, even if only moved. It was its absence from where it was usually displayed that caused the misunderstanding.

The man can never take the high road.

I don't understand all of these folks that are seemingly convinced that everyone is out to get them. The the media is lying to them...that the education system is trying to program to be, well, what? Have the tools to decide their own future, be knowledgeable, well read if they so desire, tolerant/empathetic, responsible, etc. ...that anyone that doesn't think them is truly bad and evil...that everyone wants to take their guns...that anyone that the Clintons knew that died was because they killed them...

Seriously reactionary dimwits and now they have their leader.

I can't believe that even the Republicans on the committee fucking voted for DeVos. Compare her experience level to almost all of the previous people in the position...even Dubya got one of them right (Rod Paige). They've all either had extensive education (a few actually in the field of education) or experience working within education for years prior to their appointment. Just some basic fucking that too much to ask.

Again the swamp rats live up to their billing as they bow to president shithead's desires...fuck the potential ruination of the dept. of ed.
sweet jesus.. even aside from all the other horrific shit, can we just impeach him for being so awfully, embarrassingly inarticulate? He writes/speaks like a 3rd grader. fuck.

Why are you insulting third graders? Don't lump them in with this asshat!
sweet jesus.. even aside from all the other horrific shit, can we just impeach him for being so awfully, embarrassingly inarticulate? He writes/speaks like a 3rd grader. fuck.

That's not against the law. It's a travesty to have that mentality soiling the Oval Office, but it's not against the law.
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I'm not insulting 3rd graders, they have an excuse - they're 3rd graders. He's a grown ass leader of the free world and doesn't have an excuse.

Ass leader is right.

What a fucking chump.

Still feels like you're insulting the hell out of 3rd graders, despite your rationale. :thu:
Good article. :thu:

I've been thinking the same thing about RBG, I hope she can hang in there a few more years...

I don't think she'll leave of her own accord as long as Trump is in office. I'm not saying she won't leave before he's out, but it sure as hell won't be because she wants to leave.
You guys actually think a secession by any state wouldn't be bloody? Wow. :messedup:

Absolutely. The world is a much different place than it was in 1861. The Civil War happened for many reason, one of which Lincoln wanting to keep the states united and who knows what would have happened had the south not fired on Ft Sumter, remember, the ones who seceded started the war. I don't know if Trump even cares to keep the states together. He certainly doesn't seem to care with his tweets. We also aren't some small new nation. The entire world would be involved many who would love to see California leave, they are the worlds 6th largest economy and I am sure a few would love to open up trade without having Trump's meddling. Also can you imagine any kind of war being fought in the US? It hasn't happened since the Civil War for a reason. I know it is different, but you don't see France and Spain lining up to attack UK for leaving the EU. But hey what the hell do I know.
How many executive orders are we up to now? I lost track.
I lost count.

Absolutely. The world is a much different place than it was in 1861. The Civil War happened for many reason, one of which Lincoln wanting to keep the states united and who knows what would have happened had the south not fired on Ft Sumter, remember, the ones who seceded started the war. I don't know if Trump even cares to keep the states together. He certainly doesn't seem to care with his tweets. We also aren't some small new nation. The entire world would be involved many who would love to see California leave, they are the worlds 6th largest economy and I am sure a few would love to open up trade without having Trump's meddling. Also can you imagine any kind of war being fought in the US? It hasn't happened since the Civil War for a reason. I know it is different, but you don't see France and Spain lining up to attack UK for leaving the EU. But hey what the hell do I know.

The EU is a completely different arrangement than ours. If a state secedes, President Trump is sending in troops. And yes, while there will be objectors, recruiting offices will be packed with people signing up to kill secessionists. "Liberal havens" like California and New York still have 40+% of the population that would be against secession. You don't need a militia to loot and riot. And in the case of New York, secession would cut off the entire northeast from the rest of the country. It would be civil war.
The EU is a completely different arrangement than ours. If a state secedes, President Trump is sending in troops. And yes, while there will be objectors, recruiting offices will be packed with people signing up to kill secessionists. "Liberal havens" like California and New York still have 40+% of the population that would be against secession. You don't need a militia to loot and riot. And in the case of New York, secession would cut off the entire northeast from the rest of the country. It would be civil war.

You are assuming that if a state secedes that is will close off its boarders and be dicks about it. I see it as more of a mutual separation that is negotiated out than a fuck you, we are leaving and keep the hell off our property.
You are assuming that if a state secedes that is will close off its boarders and be dicks about it. I see it as more of a mutual separation that is negotiated out than a fuck you, we are leaving and keep the hell off our property.

I hope you like military occupation.
It looks like his ideology is exactly what you'd expect from this administration at this point....a big strategic question for the dems is do they want to try and make a stand with this nomination (which everyone knew wasn't going to be a mainstream pick to replace a staunch conservative vacancy) or do you want to make your stand on the next potential nomination which will be most likely replacing a more liberal justice when the time comes. It's not like DJT is going to nominate Garland if the other G isn't confirmed.

i would go out on a limb a little and pick battle later. except for scalia dropping's unlikely that another will die in the next 2 years, which will get us to the midterms. if dumpster keeps this shit up, there's a very good chance we will be replacing a number of senators and repr's with dems.
THEN pick a fight you can win.
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