OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Yes, he filed for the 2020 election so he can accept "campaign donations" for the next 4 years.
If you donate enough money, you can directly influence Presidential policy.

The rules allow him to. If we're going to get campaign finance reform then it's going to be in direct reaction to this. Should be interesting.
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I know I've said this before in this thread, but I think the country is too divided and I don't think it can come back. I think we should dissolve the union and break off into 2 or 3 countries.
I totally get that from a social/morality pov, but the economics of all the infrastructure and support that the red states receive is problematic. Plus, a lot of our public lands are in red states who have no interest in protecting them.
I totally get that from a social/morality pov, but the economics of all the infrastructure and support that the red states receive is problematic. Plus, a lot of our public lands are in red states who have no interest in protecting them.

The crap thing about this beyond just the potentially environmentally exploitative issues is that in most cases, the lands will be sold to corporations interested in mineral or timber rights. They always promise before the sale that they'll preserve some form of public access to the lands and only limit it while developing specific areas......then by a year or two after the sale, there's no more public access. So anyone who likes to hike, camp, hunt, fish, offroad, etc loses out on the dwindling spaces you can do this on public lands.

WASHINGTON — If President Donald Trump wants a new pen pal, former Sen. Bob Kerrey, D-Neb., is up to the task.

Kerrey recently sent a letter to the new president taking issue with both his travel ban and his relationship with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

You seem to measure greatness by gross domestic product, the size of our military, or doing deals,” Kerrey wrote to Trump. “You could not be more wrong. Dangerously wrong in my strongly held view.

Kerrey wrote that America’s greatness had little to do with economic clout or military strength when Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were in charge.

In the case of the former, our economy and military were weak and could not compare with those of the great powers of the day,” Kerrey wrote. “In the case of the latter, our republic almost did not survive. In light of your January 27 executive order and collaboration with Russian President Vladimir Putin, I suspect if you had faced the same set of circumstances as Lincoln did after his inauguration, you would cut a deal with (Confederate) President Jefferson Davis.
Yes, he filed for the 2020 election so he can accept "campaign donations" for the next 4 years.
If you donate enough money, you can directly influence Presidential policy.

Or get a nice Secretary of job.
The crap thing about this beyond just the potentially environmentally exploitative issues is that in most cases, the lands will be sold to corporations interested in mineral or timber rights. They always promise before the sale that they'll preserve some form of public access to the lands and only limit it while developing specific areas......then by a year or two after the sale, there's no more public access. So anyone who likes to hike, camp, hunt, fish, offroad, etc loses out on the dwindling spaces you can do this on public lands.
Exactly what I was getting at. I live in the middle of Idaho which has more federal land then most state, and for most people the public use, recreation, guiding, and recreational related industry is very important economically not to speak of the benefits for the soul.

So basically, it feels as though we are stuck in a bad marriage.
I totally get that from a social/morality pov, but the economics of all the infrastructure and support that the red states receive is problematic. Plus, a lot of our public lands are in red states who have no interest in protecting them.

As much as I love the public lands, it is small price to pay for single payer health care, protected women's right, immigration rights, religious freedom, sexual orientation protection and everything else we would get.
As much as I love the public lands, it is small price to pay for single payer health care, protected women's right, immigration rights, religious freedom, sexual orientation protection and everything else we would get.

I think the states are going to have to do it on their own.
I think the states are going to have to do it on their own.

With Trump being so not stable, I can't tell if it would be a good thing for states to try to leave the union now or not. Depending on Trumps mood, it could be "Let those whining losers go, they only want to weaken America, lets build a wall to keep them out." or it could be "can we use the nukes on them?"
I believe Washington State has begun some moves in that direction. At least with regard to immigration.

The state had health care legislation at one point, but it got dismantled.
I really like my state of origin politically, a lot more than I like the politics of the state in which I now live. That said, Washington experiments a lot, and it is not perfect. The min. wage law in Seattle seems to have worked. However, homeless policies have led to a situation where neighborhood parks and some neighborhoods are really struggling. I like that the local lawmakers are being compassionate, but without access to healthcare, (both physical and mental), shelter, and food, these folks have nowhere to go. It is not good for anyone. Nothing exists in a vacuum. Policy needs to be more coordinated.
With Trump being so not stable, I can't tell if it would be a good thing for states to try to leave the union now or not. Depending on Trumps mood, it could be "Let those whining losers go, they only want to weaken America, lets build a wall to keep them out." or it could be "can we use the nukes on them?"

Nobody is leaving the Union. And if they do, it's going to be bloody. Not recommended.
Nobody is leaving the Union. And if they do, it's going to be bloody. Not recommended.

I honestly can't believe that any soldier would follow through on a order to attack citizens of California or any other state that would leave. If they would, fuck it, launch the nukes now and lets end this place.
I honestly can't believe that any soldier would follow through on a order to attack citizens of California or any other state that would leave. If they would, fuck it, launch the nukes now and lets end this place.

I think it would depend on what state was leaving. New York could probably go quietly because there’s been so much pro-New York jingoism since 9/11. But I’m pretty sure there are fundies in the military who would love to raze Commiefornia. Of course there are probably more who wouldn’t, and that’s where it gets really ugly.
Trump celebrates Black History Month.

I think it would depend on what state was leaving. New York could probably go quietly because there’s been so much pro-New York jingoism since 9/11. But I’m pretty sure there are fundies in the military who would love to raze Commiefornia. Of course there are probably more who wouldn’t, and that’s where it gets really ugly.

Good points, but here is where I think you are wrong. I think the people on the right, will follow whatever Limbaugh and Fox News tells them to believe. They will say good riddance to Commiefornia, they are anti American sissies let them go. Why would they do that? Without California's 55 electoral votes, there will never be a democratic president again and the democrats will never control the house again. Sure they lose tax revenue but without all the bleeding heart democrats in way, education can be cut, hell they can get rid of the whole department of Ed, there is a big savings. Without all the tree hugging Commiefonians mucking up the system, bye bye EPA and all the regulations, more savings.
sweet jesus.. even aside from all the other horrific shit, can we just impeach him for being so awfully, embarrassingly inarticulate? He writes/speaks like a 3rd grader. fuck.
Good points, but here is where I think you are wrong. I think the people on the right, will follow whatever Limbaugh and Fox News tells them to believe. They will say good riddance to Commiefornia, they are anti American sissies let them go. Why would they do that? Without California's 55 electoral votes, there will never be a democratic president again and the democrats will never control the house again. Sure they lose tax revenue but without all the bleeding heart democrats in way, education can be cut, hell they can get rid of the whole department of Ed, there is a big savings. Without all the tree hugging Commiefonians mucking up the system, bye bye EPA and all the regulations, more savings.

You guys actually think a secession by any state wouldn't be bloody? Wow. :messedup:
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