The media on both sides do an effective enough job shooting themselves in the foot. Neutrality in the vast majority of media coverage is a myth. Fox is no more slanted right than MSNBC is slanted left. They are both semi useless. Most news stories that cover major issues tend to maximize their own experts and minimize the oppositions. 'Facts' can be and are slanted by all news outlets on both sides of the political spectrum by what they don't say almost more than what they do say. Good, fair news coverage is very hard to come by right now.
I will state again that the "both sides are equally bad" argument is, pardon me, flat out
bullshit. This is not an attack on you personally, but on a false narrative that too many people adopt and promote, seemingly out of fatigue or laziness.
This is not about bias and balance, it is about
If the seeming six years of this election have taught us nothing, they have taught us that many powerful Republican leaders regularly and constantly spout the most outrageously false drivel, and that the vast majority of their supporters will eat it right up and automatically consider it Gospel truth without thinking to check whether it's actually true.
This GOP aversion to fact is not a new thing; it's been going on for 40+ years: a deliberate, counter-factual conservative propaganda campaign alternative to the factual truth, accepting of all conspiracy theories and bigotries, with few things too vile to not give at least partial voice to. Racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, all are the everyday stock-in-trade of conservative politicians, journalists and opinion makers. "Appeal to the stupidest and worst in people and you'll never go broke" seems to be their motto. And look what they have wrought: their last President was the worst of the past century, and they have one waiting in the wings just salivating to surpass him.
See the Powell Memo and its aftermath.
This is the polluted ground from which Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Breitbart, Fox, TheBlaze, Drudge and their fellow travellers spring, and it's the tainted and lying fruit of that ground that the vast majority of conservatives eat up without checking to see if it's poison. It is.