OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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why on earth would a state secede without acrimony? there's no point to becoming your own country, if you just going to continue to play along.

California is the fifth or sixth largest economy in the world. Every year California pays more in taxes to the federal government than it gets back. Why? To support the parasitic bible belt and rust belt states that take in more federal benefits than they pay out in taxes. And what does California get for this? They get to be part of a nation with a president who lost the popular vote by 2.8 million and a congress full of assholes from parasite states who consistently run against Californian values, calling it “Commiefornia”. I can’t think of a state with more reason to leave.
California is the fifth or sixth largest economy in the world. Every year California pays more in taxes to the federal government than it gets back. Why? To support the parasitic bible belt and rust belt states that take in more federal benefits than they pay out in taxes. And what does California get for this? They get to be part of a nation with a president who lost the popular vote by 2.8 million and a congress full of assholes from parasite states who consistently run against Californian values, calling it “Commiefornia”. I can’t think of a state with more reason to leave.

you just made my point. calif would not secede and then be all buddies with the Fed. if they leave, they are doing it with a LOT of acrimony.
40% of California's own citizens would take up arms against the new government. So while I might support the idea in theory, it will not be a peaceful. I have reservations.
40% of California's own citizens would take up arms against the new government. So while I might support the idea in theory, it will not be a peaceful. I have reservations.

and that's not even considering the issues of water and power. southern calif gets its water and power from the hoover dam....which is NOT in calif. that would be instantly cut off. calif is not set up to do massive desalination for water. calif has a lot of resources, but without massive access to power and water, they're done.
why on earth would a state secede without acrimony? there's no point to becoming your own country, if you just going to continue to play along.

there are plenty of reasons to secede without being a acrimony. Just because you don't want to be ruled by the Christian Right doesnt mean you have to be a dick to them.
there are plenty of reasons to secede without being a acrimony. Just because you don't want to be ruled by the Christian Right doesnt mean you have to be a dick to them.

actually....yea it does.
what you are saying is like getting a divorce, but still live together, fuck, have kids, share income....but be divorced. generally doesn't work that way.

if you TERMINATE a've TERMINATED the relationship.
actually....yea it does.
what you are saying is like getting a divorce, but still live together, fuck, have kids, share income....but be divorced. generally doesn't work that way.

if you TERMINATE a've TERMINATED the relationship.

So we left the England. And we constantly fight against them and have a terrible relationship with them? Oh, wait we don't, we are besties. The republicans would love for CA to leave the union. It would pretty much guarantee the democrats would never get the white house again.
So we left the England. And we constantly fight against them and have a terrible relationship with them? Oh, wait we don't, we are besties. The republicans would love for CA to leave the union. It would pretty much guarantee the democrats would never get the white house again.'re just trolling now.

and that's not even considering the issues of water and power. southern calif gets its water and power from the hoover dam....which is NOT in calif. that would be instantly cut off. calif is not set up to do massive desalination for water. calif has a lot of resources, but without massive access to power and water, they're done.

again, you think it would be some violent act of leaving. Do you think the residents of CA get that power and water for free? No, they pay for it. Why would it get cut off? Think of all of the lost revenue from that. These days it would be completely negotiated, you don't cut off the water, you can keep your military bases. There are things CA would need from the US and things the US needs from CA. It is totally doable.
So we left the England. And we constantly fight against them and have a terrible relationship with them? Oh, wait we don't, we are besties. The republicans would love for CA to leave the union. It would pretty much guarantee the democrats would never get the white house again.

A giant ocean in the middle will do that. Think more France & Germany, The former Yugoslavia, India & Pakistan, etc.'re just trolling now.

Not trolling at all. You can't wrap your head around a peaceful secession. your analogy of getting divorced and still fucking is more trolling than what I said. BTW, I know plenty of folks who are divorced and lived together for years afterwards because they couldn't afford not to. I also know plenty of divorced folks who are still really good friends, they just didn't work being married.
Not trolling at all. You can't wrap your head around a peaceful secession. your analogy of getting divorced and still fucking is more trolling than what I said. BTW, I know plenty of folks who are divorced and lived together for years afterwards because they couldn't afford not to. I also know plenty of divorced folks who are still really good friends, they just didn't work being married.

No, this is trolling:

Your experience is anecdotal and not statistically significant. :embarrassed:
40% of California's own citizens would take up arms against the new government. So while I might support the idea in theory, it will not be a peaceful. I have reservations.

I'm not sure about that. They never took up arms against Obama. BTW, Trump only got 32%. so not quite 40. I think the Johnson voters would be all for leaving the federal government and the Stein supporters are far more liberal.
No, this is trolling:

Your experience is anecdotal and not statistically significant. :embarrassed:

yes but my anecdotal evidence is better than the non existent evidence of the US cutting off the Hoover dam to California and imposing marshall law if they secede. :embarrassed:
Why let California go when you could just solve everyone's problems by kicking out Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and the Carolinas?

The Cascadia concept has been rolling around for over a decade. I think it would be more practical that 'calexit'
I could consider moving back to home of origin for that.
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