OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Elk Damian
Follow · August 25, 2015 ·

In 1871, the United States was bankrupt for the third time due to the Civil War. It sought help from global financiers, namely the Rothschild's of London. These bankers jumped at the opportunity to buy out America. Before the Federal takeover, we had a silver backed currency meaning every single dollar was just representative of an amount of silver in the bank, which was "redeemable to bearer upon demand". We essentially traded silver but used bills to represent the silver, meaning no bill could be printed without having the amount in silver. If it were printed without having the silver, the bill would be valueless as it represents nothing and is only worth the paper it's printed on. These bankers have altered our currency (along with many other things, which I will get to) and changed it from silver currency to valueless paper fiat currency, printed out at no expense and relentlessly at that. Because they do not need anything to back the amount they are printing, they can print all they want at no limit, free of cost to them, so long as we keep using it. The notes printed are actually IOU's as all this valueless money is "loaned" to us by globalist banks. So we work all day in order to "earn" debt notes that the country has to pay back. Your labor is the collateral. All while more and more is printed, devaluing even the fake perceived value every single day, which is called inflation. This system, as it was designed to, prevents us from ever repaying our debt. We are now some trillion dollars in debt and when you owe THAT much "money" and the "value" is decreasing while your country continues to borrow more money, you are obviously not just borrowing money anymore. Yes, in 1871, America was literally sold over to bankers, who then created the federal reserve (you know, so they can tax the valueless money they loan you in exchange for your labor). The constitution was altered and America was turned into a corporation, all under approval of the 44th congress. Politicians, the government, the military, etc. work for CORPORATE AMERICA and that alone. They only want you to believe they serve "we the people". The country is run by bankers who also own 90% of the world's countries (and money) through the same fiat debt system. These very bankers have funded both sides of every war since Napoleon, simply because war means profit to them. Wars are not waged for the reasons the "official" reasons claimed, they are waged because bankers say so. Soldiers are just pawns in their game, which is the sad truth even though a majority of them mean well in believing they are defending their country. In reality, there are no terrorists aside from the men that run this country and especially the bankers that run them, who are the head of it all. Once again, THERE ARE NO OTHER TERRORISTS aside from the banksters themselves and their puppets. For example, Al Qaeda was created by the CIA. Yup, Al Qaeda was funded and trained by the American CIA. In fact, that's how America does things, if you recall 9/11. The people who run this country simply created a "terrorist group", or false flag, to not only scare and intimidate the population, but to convince the population that America is under attack. They created the group as an excuse to invade an innocent country and install a central bank and puppet leader like we have here in America. America's military is used to occupy irreproachable countries by convincing America's population that they have been attacked by that county (using fabricated terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS) and then, as I mentioned, install a central bank and puppet dictator. This will continue until all countries are occupied and they claim global domination. Or until we do something about it.

The bitter thing is that for most people, reading this will cause cognitive dissonance as it goes against everythinthg they have ever been taught or believed. It is that it shatters their illusions and alters their perceptions, which they are too afraid and uncomfortable to deal with.
Todays Facebook fun:

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Elk Damian
Follow · August 25, 2015 ·

In 1871, the United States was bankrupt for the third time due to the Civil War. It sought help from global financiers, namely the Rothschild's of London. These bankers jumped at the opportunity to buy out America. Before the Federal takeover, we had a silver backed currency meaning every single dollar was just representative of an amount of silver in the bank, which was "redeemable to bearer upon demand". We essentially traded silver but used bills to represent the silver, meaning no bill could be printed without having the amount in silver. If it were printed without having the silver, the bill would be valueless as it represents nothing and is only worth the paper it's printed on. These bankers have altered our currency (along with many other things, which I will get to) and changed it from silver currency to valueless paper fiat currency, printed out at no expense and relentlessly at that. Because they do not need anything to back the amount they are printing, they can print all they want at no limit, free of cost to them, so long as we keep using it. The notes printed are actually IOU's as all this valueless money is "loaned" to us by globalist banks. So we work all day in order to "earn" debt notes that the country has to pay back. Your labor is the collateral. All while more and more is printed, devaluing even the fake perceived value every single day, which is called inflation. This system, as it was designed to, prevents us from ever repaying our debt. We are now some trillion dollars in debt and when you owe THAT much "money" and the "value" is decreasing while your country continues to borrow more money, you are obviously not just borrowing money anymore. Yes, in 1871, America was literally sold over to bankers, who then created the federal reserve (you know, so they can tax the valueless money they loan you in exchange for your labor). The constitution was altered and America was turned into a corporation, all under approval of the 44th congress. Politicians, the government, the military, etc. work for CORPORATE AMERICA and that alone. They only want you to believe they serve "we the people". The country is run by bankers who also own 90% of the world's countries (and money) through the same fiat debt system. These very bankers have funded both sides of every war since Napoleon, simply because war means profit to them. Wars are not waged for the reasons the "official" reasons claimed, they are waged because bankers say so. Soldiers are just pawns in their game, which is the sad truth even though a majority of them mean well in believing they are defending their country. In reality, there are no terrorists aside from the men that run this country and especially the bankers that run them, who are the head of it all. Once again, THERE ARE NO OTHER TERRORISTS aside from the banksters themselves and their puppets. For example, Al Qaeda was created by the CIA. Yup, Al Qaeda was funded and trained by the American CIA. In fact, that's how America does things, if you recall 9/11. The people who run this country simply created a "terrorist group", or false flag, to not only scare and intimidate the population, but to convince the population that America is under attack. They created the group as an excuse to invade an innocent country and install a central bank and puppet leader like we have here in America. America's military is used to occupy irreproachable countries by convincing America's population that they have been attacked by that county (using fabricated terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS) and then, as I mentioned, install a central bank and puppet dictator. This will continue until all countries are occupied and they claim global domination. Or until we do something about it.

The bitter thing is that for most people, reading this will cause cognitive dissonance as it goes against everythinthg they have ever been taught or believed. It is that it shatters their illusions and alters their perceptions, which they are too afraid and uncomfortable to deal with.

The map doesn't really make it clear geographically which part of the country they're talking about. Florida? ???
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