OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I think there is a difference between allowing children to pray (or not pray) in school and having a teacher-led prayer to a specific God.

Growing up in GA we had the "moment of silence" every morning, about ten seconds worth. You could bow your head, pray to yourself, do nothing, fart, whatever. It was stupid and pointless.‘task-force’-to-advance-top-spending-priority/ar-AAlL0M3?li=BBnb7Kz
So Obama wants to invest in the countries infrastructure and the right says too spendy, now Trump wants to do it so are they going to be cool with it now?

Pretty much. Personally, I'm looking forward to "Trumpcare"...which will be the ACA with the pre-existing condition and birth control provisions removed. TrumpKlan will be dancing in the streets for that landmark legislation.‘task-force’-to-advance-top-spending-priority/ar-AAlL0M3?li=BBnb7Kz
So Obama wants to invest in the countries infrastructure and the right says too spendy, now Trump wants to do it so are they going to be cool with it now?

Welcome to politics where everything's made up and logic doesn't matter

So Obama wants to invest in the countries infrastructure and the right says too spendy, now Trump wants to do it so are they going to be cool with it now?

McConnell has said he's completely uninterested in an infrastructure bill. It's entirely possible making his wife SoT causes him to reverse, but it's just as likely he continues to oppose.

And it's always been about partisan politics. This is nothing new.
Hence my becoming a Born Again Pagan. :grin:


When I was in college, I worked at a convenience store. There was a mechanic that worked next door who was not religious until he was almost killed working on his farm, then he became born again. His garage was covered in bible quotes. We got along great, he really was a super nice guy and one day he came into the store to talk to me. He found out I didn't believe in a god. I said, Jack, I've known you for a couple of years now and until you found out I didn't believe in god, did you think I was a good person? He said he thought I was a great person. So then I asked him, what do you think god would appreciate more, someone like me, who does the right thing just because it is the right thing to do, or the guy who does the right thing so he can get into heaven? He paused for a minute and said I made a good point. I told him, I am totally fine with his religion, it just wasn't for me and he respected that and we still got along great while I was still down there. I always have to remind myself about him when I see some stupid thing a "good christian" does or says. That not all of them are bad people, but it seems the bad ones make the most noise.
'Tis the season for humor.
You see, I've always thought that if we were created in the image of God, and we have a sense of humor, then God obviously has an incredible sense of humor...
(actually, I believe that God was created in the image of man)




'Tis the season for humor.
You see, I've always thought that if we were created in the image of God, and we have a sense of humor, then God obviously has an incredible sense of humor...
(actually, I believe that God was created in the image of man)





Ok, you are definitely going to hell.:embarrassed:

:grin: At least I will know someone when I get there :cool:
Unless the Jews or the Muslims are right, then he is fine :grin:

Christ is an Islamic prophet, much like Moses is for all three faiths. Although it's a little weird and Eastern-influenced in that the mythology includes Christ and Judas switching mind and body during the crucifixion, as I understand it. Not a field of study for me, other than having read the Qu'ran about 15 years ago and having had some drunken conversation with Islamic pals. Can't ever remember this being referenced in the modern fiction from Islamic writers that I've read. Which, admittedly, is not something that I've read a whole ton of.
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