OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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it was just on the news 15 minutes ago that the syrian army was going door to door executing people. so yea.

I read that they're being accused, but I'm not seeing any proof since all the reports I've read have said that they haven't been able to verify the accusations. Why would the Syrian army go in to areas that they said civilians could occupy to just execute them?
Saw this posted on FB...Don't really agree with certain placements but it's an interesting visualization to start discussing how various outlets fit in the mix.


I think that graphic oversimplifies the problem. The question isn't if a source is biased, but rather how close they stay to the truth.

I think that graphic shows more how much sites respect facts rather than their bias. NPR, for example, undoubtedly has a bit of a liberal bias in their stories, but they are scrupulous in what they present in facts. Likewise, the Wall Street Journal is slanted to the right, but is straight up on their facts.
Yeah, here's another article from 2 hours ago saying that execution thing wasn't true.

You might want to consider who in that article is stating that the UN reports are untrue

"Syria's U.N. ambassador is hailing "the liberation of Aleppo" and rejecting allegations that his country's military has carried out revenge attacks and executions of civilians.

Bashar Ja'afari told the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday that Syrian forces have liberated civilians from "terrorists" who controlled eastern Aleppo.

IWO, the fox says everything's cool in the hen house, no worries.
And another reason I hate the religious right.

We get it. It is against your religion to get an abortion. It isn't against mine. Stop forcing your religion on me. If you are against it, don't get one. Just like if your religion is against gay marriage don't marry a dude. BTW, where in the bible does it ban abortion?

psuedo christianity (christo-fascists). it's an all out attempt to take over the government and replace the constitution with the bible. and then cherry pick the parts that support their political beliefs. and it's growing. THEY are the ones who elected trump. and go ahead and check into all the christo clowns he's appointed to the highest positions in the land. start with pence, and the RFRA in indiana, and other states.
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psuedo christianity (christo-fascists). it's an all out attempt to take over the government and replace the constitution with the bible. and then cherry pick the parts that support their political beliefs. and it's growing. THEY are the ones who elected trump. and go ahead and check into all the christo clowns he's appointed to the highest positions in the land. start with pence, and the RFRA in indiana, and other states.
So, basically they want Sharia Law with a different name.

So, basically they want Sharia Law with a different name.

B I N G O. give this man a good cuban cigar (if you like that kind of thing), otherwise a good 18 year old scotch.

yea....that is EXACTLY what is going on. it's not all christians. there are a lot of christians that are peaceful believing people. but there IS an element that is very political and sharia is a VERY good comparison.
B I N G O. give this man a good cuban cigar (if you like that kind of thing), otherwise a good 18 year old scotch.

yea....that is EXACTLY what is going on. it's not all christians. there are a lot of christians that are peaceful believing people. but there IS an element that is very political and sharia is a VERY good comparison.
I'll take a Chipotle gift card since I don't smoke or drink. :tongue:
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