OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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And another reason I hate the religious right.

We get it. It is against your religion to get an abortion. It isn't against mine. Stop forcing your religion on me. If you are against it, don't get one. Just like if your religion is against gay marriage don't marry a dude. BTW, where in the bible does it ban abortion?

Pretty sure it's the "thou shalt not kill part" :grin:

I have a problem with abortion. It's not just my religion. I'm a huge fan of separation of church and state. Some of our laws, murder, theft, you can find in the bible but, you don't have to be religious to want laws stopping people from taking your stuff, have a reasonable assumption you can walk down the street without getting shot.

It's also that they have no voice, no rights.

Not saying I want to go to pre- Roe-vs-Wade either. Wish people smarter than me, from both sides could find a solution though. Didn't stop me from voting for Hillary but I'd love it if the Dems and Reps traded their sides. Just seams a more republican thing to do. Keep the government out of our private stuff. Personal freedom at the cost of others.
Pretty sure it's the "thou shalt not kill part" :grin:

I have a problem with abortion. It's not just my religion. I'm a huge fan of separation of church and state. Some of our laws, murder, theft, you can find in the bible but, you don't have to be religious to want laws stopping people from taking your stuff, have a reasonable assumption you can walk down the street without getting shot.

It's also that they have no voice, no rights.

Not saying I want to go to pre- Roe-vs-Wade either. Wish people smarter than me, from both sides could find a solution though. Didn't stop me from voting for Hillary but I'd love it if the Dems and Reps traded their sides. Just seams a more republican thing to do. Keep the government out of our private stuff. Personal freedom at the cost of others.

I would argue with you, until a fetus can live outside the womb, by definition it is a parasite -an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense. Would you not let a person get rid of a tick or a tapeworm because it is a life? :grin:

The biblical argument for anti-abortion are passages where god says he knew people before they were born. Exodus 21:22-25 is an example of "abortion" being ok. Something about a women getting between to fighting men and if she miscarries as a result of the fight, the man must pay the husband what he demands. But if the woman dies, the man who hit her must die, eye for an eye deal. So the death of the mother, capital crime, death of the fetus, pay a fine.

the thing that gets me about the pro-birth folks is that they are hell bent on overturning roe v wade (not you, as you said) but do they realize abortions happened in great numbers before roe v wade? overturning it won't stop the abortions. overturning it won't make it illegal, it will send the issue to the states. If it is outlawed, only the poor will be forced to carry a fetus to term. If they were really concerned about abortion, they would do a lot better on preventing them by wanting to teach proper birth control, not abstinence only. I think some of them forget what it was like being a teenager. All I wanted to do was have sex and telling me god frowns upon it wasn't going to stop me at all.

You know those laws you can find in the bible, you can find them in every civilization before the bible was written as well. The bible didn't create them, they just plagiarized them.
Not saying I want to go to pre- Roe-vs-Wade either. Wish people smarter than me, from both sides could find a solution though. Didn't stop me from voting for Hillary but I'd love it if the Dems and Reps traded their sides. Just seams a more republican thing to do. Keep the government out of our private stuff. Personal freedom at the cost of others.

R v W is the solution. People that want or need an abortion are able to get them safely. Those that don't needn't avail themselves of this procedure. But this second group also needn't worry about others. If they are concerned about their daughters, talk to them and educate them about reproduction and its consequences. That's a huge issue with the too many of mongooz's "christo-facists", they're uncomfortable and afraid of teaching their children or talking to their children about sex and are DEAD SET anyone else teaching them about their bodies. So they get kids doing things that horny kids do and getting pregnant and/or diseased because they lack information not only about the act(s), but about protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancy and disease. The whole sex-only-for-procreation (and therefore only after marriage) thing is used as an excuse to avoid the discussion.

The biblical argument for anti-abortion are passages where god says he knew people before they were born. Exodus 21:22-25 is an example of "abortion" being ok. Something about a women getting between to fighting men and if she miscarries as a result of the fight, the man must pay the husband what he demands. But if the woman dies, the man who hit her must die, eye for an eye deal. So the death of the mother, capital crime, death of the fetus, pay a fine.

And this goes to Lewis Black's astonishingly precise point about what confuses Christians. As "Christians" you are supposed to believe in Christ and live your life using his as a guide. If you believe Christ to be God on earth (and the last word of God to man), then you should clearly recognize that there is a TREMENDOUS difference between the Old Testament God and the New Testament God. One was jealous, vengeful, and even capricious. The other was loving and giving of literally everything he had for EVERYONE. Black's point is that Christians keep going back to the Old Testament, the Jewish take on God to support their irrational and capricious perspectives. The two are so contradictory that it could easily be argued that they should be viewed as mutually exclusive. My take is that Old Testament is the history that shaped who and what the Christian God became. He cast away that temper for a more tempered approach to mankind and modeled the same...perhaps in the last vestige of his Old Testament self, almost demanding (at least heavily/strongly suggesting or hinting at) that they follow this example.
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"I wanted to meet with Trump today to discuss multicultural issues," the Life of Pablo rapper explained on Twitter. "These issues included bullying, supporting teachers, modernizing curriculums, and violence in Chicago. I feel it is important to have a direct line of communication with our future President if we truly want change."

"“We’ve been friends for a long time,” Mr. Trump told reporters. Asked what he and Mr. West talked about, he responded: “Life. We discussed life.”"

Holy shit, looks like being pres-elect has already taken a toll on trump. He looks BAD and he hasn't really even started the job yet.
human moron rick perry is now running an agency he wanted to eliminate but could not remember the name of. but at least the glasses make him look smarter.

seriously. there was no one else with any experience at all so this was the best pick.

The last two to hold this post were distinguished physicists. Now we have Perry, who's really good at hatin' on Obama. :rolleyes:
human moron rick perry is now running an agency he wanted to eliminate but could not remember the name of. but at least the glasses make him look smarter.

seriously. there was no one else with any experience at all so this was the best pick.

Yeah, let's give Rick a position where he'll need to manage issues related to nuclear materials and nuclear weapons. A position previously held by eminent nuclear physicists. He's a real big player, tremendous.

R v W is the solution. People that want or need an abortion are able to get them safely. Those that don't needn't avail themselves of this procedure. But this second group also needn't worry about others. If they are concerned about their daughters, talk to them and educate them about reproduction and its consequences. That's a huge issue with the too many of mongooz's "christo-facists", they're uncomfortable and afraid of teaching their children or talking to their children about sex and are DEAD SET anyone else teaching them about their bodies. So they get kids doing things that horny kids do and getting pregnant and/or diseased because they lack information not only about the act(s), but about protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancy and disease. The whole sex-only-for-procreation (and therefore only after marriage) thing is used as an excuse to avoid the discussion.

And this goes to Lewis Black's astonishingly precise point about what confuses Christians. As "Christians" you are supposed to believe in Christ and live your life using his as a guide. If you believe Christ to be God on earth (and the last word of God to man), then you should clearly recognize that there is a TREMENDOUS difference between the Old Testament God and the New Testament God. One was jealous, vengeful, and even capricious. The other was loving and giving of literally everything he had for EVERYONE. Black's point is that Christians keep going back to the Old Testament, the Jewish take on God to support their irrational and capricious perspectives. The two are so contradictory that it could easily be argued that they should be viewed as mutually exclusive. My take is that Old Testament is the history that shape who and what the Christian good became. He cast away that temper for a more tempered approach to mankind and modeled the same...perhaps in the last vestige of his Old Testament self, almost demanding (at least heavily/strongly suggesting or hinting at) that they follow this example.

Yeah, pretty much.

I am sympathetic to the issue as a moral dilemma; it's a sad one, and there's no winning for anyone.

At the end of the day, though...

1) Pragmatism. As you say, at the end of the day, abortions are going to happen, one way or another. It's our responsibility as a society to ensure that, if that's going to be the case, then it be done healthily, responsibility, and with accountability from trained professionals.

2) My wife's undergraduate thesis was on prostitution in Vancouver, where brothels are, while not technically legal, are tolerated and are regulated. The benefits are plentiful; sex workers are tested and have regular discussions with social workers, the brothels can exist in safe and high-traffic business areas, it's so much safer than street walking, co-ops are easier to maintain, it decreases pimping, etc. ... It will never solve those problems entirely for some who are really disenfranchised, but it creates a safe environment both for the workers and for Johns, who can also feel relaxed about not taking advantage of a woman who's being abused. I bring this up due to the cliche of prostitution being the world's oldest profession, and the acknowledgement that it will never disappear, at least by rational and realistic folk.

3) And if you want to be insistent on abolishing abortion, then put it to a vote, but make it a vote for women only. Fuck men. After millennia of oppression, we deserve zero say in an issue that impacts women exponentially more.
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2) And if you want to be insistent on abolishing abortion, then put it to a vote, but make it a vote for women only. Fuck men. After millennia of oppression, we deserve zero say in an issue that impacts women exponentially more.

Sadly, after this last election and the numbers we saw regarding who women voted for...I have little in the way of confidence of it standing up to a straight vote of only women.

Shit has changed so drastically. There are white kids on campuses in southern states publicly fighting for the right to fly the confederate flag again. The shame of past is turning back into glory for people. There is some truth the heritage angle, but it's a sad part that we need to remember mainly to avoid repeating it and the horrible shadow it cast over our nation for more than 100 years after slavery was abolished. Race-based division and hatred is second only to slavery as the worst/saddest moments in U.S. history...moments that lasted hundreds of years. The most pathetic part is that we're still dealing with race issues today, except thanks to Trump these deplorable pieces of shit are emboldened and openly spewing what was for decades their private shame.
you can not make this stuff up. poor, stupid people in KY who voted trump are upset that he is going to take away their affordable health insurance. they were uninsured before obamacare and yet they voted for the guy who promised to take away the insurance they now need.

Yup...and he clearly stated that he was going to go after ACA. You get what you vote for. I want to say I told you so, but I feel sorry for them. His biggest supporters have been indoctrinated by the Republican/conservative hate machine, that all they saw was Hillary the devil that must be stopped and wouldn't let themselves see Trump's massive flaws.
Local news covering write-in votes:

Jesus Christ got at least 183 votes in the 2016 presidential election in Harris County, that is, if you count one write-in vote that read "Jesus Christ Help Us."

Voters in and around Houston got very creative in their votes, records show. We asked the Harris County Clerk's election division for a list of all the write-in candidates.

The list, all 65 pages, includes Houston favorites, like J.J. Watt among the 9,754 total write-in votes.

Ted Cruz walked away the "write-in" winner, with more than 832 votes.

Misspellings were also very common, with at least 25 different versions of "John Kasich" (who got more than 500 write-in votes). People really don't know how to spell Condoleezza Rice, with about 30 variations.

In the "fictional character" category, Kermit the Frog, Mary Poppins, Frank Underwood and Darth Vader all scored votes.

Our Disney favorites showed up as well: Mickey Mouse (42), Donald Duck (7), Goofy (2), Minnie Mouse (1).

Phrases, like "Anyone Else Please", also racked up dozens of votes.

Other un-presidential things, like "Bag of Tarantulas" and "Bacon" got one vote each.

Beyonce got two votes.

People got interesting with candidates starting with "the", like "The Christ", "The Constitution", "The Great Meteor", "The Muffin Man", and "The Terminator."

"None of the above" registered at more than 100 votes.
I'm pro-abortion.

In fact many people who probably should've been assisted away by a qualified physician are out and about in the world. Sad.

"VELES, Macedonia — Dimitri points to a picture on his Instagram showing a bar table decked with expensive champagne and sparklers. It's from his 18th birthday just four months ago — a lavish party in his east European hometown that he says wouldn't have been possible without President-elect Donald Trump.

Dimitri — who asked NBC News not to use his real name — is one of dozens of teenagers in the Macedonian town of Veles who got rich during the U.S. presidential election producing fake news for millions on social media.

The articles, sensationalist and often baseless, were posted to Facebook, drawing in armies of readers and earning fake-news writers money from penny-per-click advertising.
Dimitri says he's earned at least $60,000 in the past six months — far outstripping his parents' income and transforming his prospects in a town where the average annual wage is $4,800. He is one of the more successful fake news pushers in the area.

His main source of cash? Supporters of America's president-elect.
"Nothing can beat Trump's supporters when it comes to social media engagement," he says. "So that's why we stick with Trump." "
I'm pro-abortion.

In fact many people who probably should've been assisted away by a qualified physician are out and about in the world. Sad.

What's even sadder is that I know a few people who should have been aborted. Maybe it's not too late.
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