OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Gits was unintentional and I apologize for it...I typed guys, or so I thought...

Yes I do lean a little right, but I deplore racism and sexism as much as you...but I also deplore the condescension and arrogance I see from the left...

The left claims to be the enlightened side, but yet they, just like you guys, are not willing to consider things from another point of view...

Yes, Trump is a racist, xenophobic son of a bitch, and yes many if the people who voted for him are as are never going to eradicate it, hatred is always going to exist...

But there is an adage used by religious people that is apropos here...they say "hate the sin, love the sinner"...but the left hates the sins AND the sinners...

Trump played the system masterfully...the left needs to push to change the system...

The map shows one important is an urban vs rural fight...the cities need the rural or you're going to starve to death, but the rural doesn't need to city to survive...they can feed the left had better find a better way to appeal to them than this...

As far as I am concerned, there is no other point of view with racism, misogyny, xenophobia or anti LBGT. The only thing to do with those folks is educate them or count them out. I still say all of that stems from ignorance. And I don't me ignorance as in they didn't finish high school and are stupid, I mean it as they don't have very many experiences with people of different races, religions or sexual orientations. I find it hard to believe that anyone who interacts with a Muslim, a gay person or a person of a different race on a daily basis could still hate them. It is easy to hate what you don't know or understand.

Full disclosure, I was a registered Republican until Bush V Kerry. I left the party because of Bush when he said he didn't consult his dad before invading Irag, that he instead consulted his heavenly father. That led to really invest the time in political discourse and really study the issues. I then found out how backwards the GOP was and was embarrassed I was ever registered with them.

Being one who does not believe in a god, I have little room for religious sayings. I will say that I don't hate Joe Blow from Nebraska who is a racist. I wish I could sit down and have a chat with them and see if could change his mind. He doesn't know any better, but folks like Trump, Rush or Hannity, I hate. They know better and stoke the fire at the harm to the country for their own advancement.
That has always been my rub with the whole Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice battle.

Being Pro-Choice does not make you Pro-Abortion.... but when the Pro-Life people use their platform to attack Planned Parenthood, birth control, sex education and so forth it sure seems like they're Pro-Birth but forget about everything after the kid is born, and I can't rally around those elements that are always bundled into the argument.

Plus the fact that people rarely give two shits less about pro-life vs pro-choice except for election season. It's just a red vs blue tag line or an us vs them bullet point. :facepalm:

The thing about the Pro Life group that rubs the most is that they want abortion made illegal but they also don't want to teach sex education or birth control or have any single mom assistance programs. They aren't really pro life, they are pro birth. Newsflash, abstinence only doesn't work, do they not remember being teenagers? All you do is want to screw. Telling them they will burn in hell isn't the answer.

I have nothing but respect for you both and appreciate your responses...

We may never agree on a lot of this but I am now convinced that my take on it was not correct, so I apologize to you for causing this much of a fuss...was not my intention...

I will stand 100 percent behind my contention that the left and right are both being crippled by their hatred and mistrust of each other...and I will stand 100 percent behind my contention that the Dems could have done a much better job of getting their message across without the vitriol and sweeping generalizations...

Maybe condescension is too strong a contention...but they need to find a better way to communicate with middle America...

I apologize again...

I will stand 100 percent behind my contention that the left and right are both being crippled by their hatred and mistrust of each other...and I will stand 100 percent behind my contention that the Dems could have done a much better job of getting their message across without the vitriol and sweeping generalizations...

Maybe condescension is too strong a contention...but they need to find a better way to communicate with middle America...
This was the part I in which I agreed with you. Hope we are good too.
Sorry, you lay down with the dog, you get up with fleas.

You can excuse whatever you wish, but voting for the guy who got David Dukes endorsement taints you.

That's just how it goes. Those that voted for him accepted that, and are ok with it.

I detest racism, sexism, bullying, homophobia - live and let live, I don't care what you are, I care how you act. Those aren't just words that I speak, I back them up with action and don't go around blowing my own horn about it.

But if we want to go by your logic, you're with this group of anti-Trump "protesters", right? They're on your side, so you're all good with their actions, yes?

I have nothing but respect for you both and appreciate your responses...

We may never agree on a lot of this but I am now convinced that my take on it was not correct, so I apologize to you for causing this much of a fuss...was not my intention...

I will stand 100 percent behind my contention that the left and right are both being crippled by their hatred and mistrust of each other...and I will stand 100 percent behind my contention that the Dems could have done a much better job of getting their message across without the vitriol and sweeping generalizations...

Maybe condescension is too strong a contention...but they need to find a better way to communicate with middle America...

I apologize again...

And this is why I like you.

I agree the Dems made a LOT of mistakes. I just have a hard time pointing to those mistakes as the major contributing factor, while ignoring everything else bubbling over on the far reaches of the right.

And I hope I didn't offend anyone as that was not my intention. Just a bit flabbergasted at this recent "trend" calling liberals the non-listening, condescending ones. My experience directly refutes that notion.

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I have nothing but respect for you both and appreciate your responses...

We may never agree on a lot of this but I am now convinced that my take on it was not correct, so I apologize to you for causing this much of a fuss...was not my intention...

I will stand 100 percent behind my contention that the left and right are both being crippled by their hatred and mistrust of each other...and I will stand 100 percent behind my contention that the Dems could have done a much better job of getting their message across without the vitriol and sweeping generalizations...

Maybe condescension is too strong a contention...but they need to find a better way to communicate with middle America...

I apologize again...

No worries Jello. I get the point you are trying to make and I bet it would come across better if we were knocking back some diet sodas at Heels from my side and yours. Its hard to have a real discussion on a forum. I think my biggest contention is calling both sides just as hateful which, maybe I am biased, but I can't see how anyone can think Clinton and Trump are on the same level when it comes to hate. Like I have said, this conversation would be completely different if anyone from GOP won the nomination and the election. My beef is not really with the GOP voters it is with Trump and his rhetoric and the fact that a large part of the country is not only ok with it, but endorsed it.

If they're dead, they can't vote.

Article Title:
Meet The Young Virginia Democrat That Registered 19 Dead People To Vote In Virginia

Article Title:
CBS4 Investigation Finds Dead Voters Casting Ballots In Colorado

Here are two articles as of recent, I'll let you look at the history of voter fraud (from both sides)
So you're leaving the country right. I mean you can't be in this country and not be with the people who voted for or are laying with Trump. I don't like Trump and I don't like Clinton. I can excuse a lot a shit, everything in fact, except for when people are pleading for their lives begging for protection and you do nothing but roll over and go back to sleep while they die. Fuck that and Fuck Clinton. She took every dime and never made one for herself in her entire life. You should know I voted for Obama because I listen to both sides of the street and if someone has a message and has a idea worth giving a shot to then lets give it to them. More people may be working now then when he took office but they're working shitty jobs they don't want and that don't compare to what they once had and are still striving to return to where they were. I, as an American, endured that shit for 8 years an now Obama care is taking a dump and isn't living up to expectations and I pay more because of people who can't. So when someone who's made a career of making money and working people to get things built well I'm willing to that person a shot even if he grabbed a pussy or two. But now I can't travel because of Clinton followers who have taken to the street and are actually saying that people must die for democracy. I've not had my person win the election each time and I've never gone out afterwards to fight and beat people while calling it protesting. People need to suck this up and let the new President lead the country. Then the first time he's caught grabbing a pussy, like Bill Clinton, we'll then try to impeach him like we did Bill Clinton. Hopefully Trump will be smart enough to also use a cigar so he too can claim that he did not actually have sexual relations with the woman.

Um, no. Not going anywhere. Not sure how you lumped me into that group.

We can discuss why and how the ACA is floundering (republican dissection) if you would like.

You chose to ignore the sexism and racism inherent in the Trump campaign in the hopes that he has the right ideas to fix the economy. That is a compromise that you and others made. You have to live with it.

I voted for Bernie, then Clinton (while holding my nose) making the compromise that if she was elected there was certain baggage that came along with her. I chose that over the alternative.

Yeah, so I ended up on the losing end of that stick. Thats how it goes. I got up the next day and went to work, didn't protest or loot.
so....what happens if between now and the E.C. vote they discover a few hundred thousand fraudulent votes for trump?

I wouldn't be surprised if Putin has a surprise leak planned for Trump. Campaign emails, phone records, embrassing videos, who knows. But something that delegitimizes Trump and causes months of political chaos that distracts the USA from foreign policy.
Maybe it's time for the left to face up to something...

This mess is your fault.

The hatred you keep charging the other side with is the same hatred you feel for them. You look down on the right as intellectually inferior and treat them with condescension , insults and self righteous indignation.

The left and right are no more than 2 sides of the same corrupt coin.

What did you expect? You are not going to sway opinion to your side by being condescending and insulting. You tell them their values are no longer valid. You tell them they have to change.

You insult their families and call them deplorable.

Then you get indignant when they don't do what you tell them to do.

They didn't vote for Donald Trump because they're like him, they voted for the guy...

Who didn't tell them their way of life is invalid.

Who didn't tell them the things they value...patriotism, individual rights, family...are passe' and old fashioned..

Who didn't tell them they need to feel guilty for things that happened before they were born.

Who didn't tell them they need to apologize for being born American.

Did the left actually say all that? No, but that's what they heard through all of your insults and condescencion...

If the left wants to fix things, if they want to enact real, sweeping, permanent change they need to start with themselves...

Find a way to change minds without insults and condescension ...

Be better, get better, do better...

The condescension is so very well-deserved.

We learned from the 1930s that there's nothing to be gained from appeasing fascists.
See? you're not listening...

Calling him out is one thing, insulting the voting base is completely different...

Of course you call him point out, clearly, concisely, and calmly, where he's wrong...but you do not act with condescension and insults your fellow citizens and expect them to listen to you and agree with you...

Find a better way to get your message across other than contempt and you may actually make the progress you claim to desire...

Start with yourself...
Now explain to me where my comment of "calling them out on their candidates behavior" is me defending insults to the voter base.

Talk about condescending and starting with yourself indeed.

:( :( :( :(

What a disgusting place we live in.

Perfect example of why this election was so important. Trump wining, make a certain portion of his followers, think since he won, they can do shit like that. He needed to be beaten in the polls bigly to show that kind of hate has no place in America and instead some folks use it as the reason they can be assholes.
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