Slender Hobbit
Gits was unintentional and I apologize for it...I typed guys, or so I thought...
Yes I do lean a little right, but I deplore racism and sexism as much as you...but I also deplore the condescension and arrogance I see from the left...
The left claims to be the enlightened side, but yet they, just like you guys, are not willing to consider things from another point of view...
Yes, Trump is a racist, xenophobic son of a bitch, and yes many if the people who voted for him are as are never going to eradicate it, hatred is always going to exist...
But there is an adage used by religious people that is apropos here...they say "hate the sin, love the sinner"...but the left hates the sins AND the sinners...
Trump played the system masterfully...the left needs to push to change the system...
The map shows one important is an urban vs rural fight...the cities need the rural or you're going to starve to death, but the rural doesn't need to city to survive...they can feed the left had better find a better way to appeal to them than this...
As far as I am concerned, there is no other point of view with racism, misogyny, xenophobia or anti LBGT. The only thing to do with those folks is educate them or count them out. I still say all of that stems from ignorance. And I don't me ignorance as in they didn't finish high school and are stupid, I mean it as they don't have very many experiences with people of different races, religions or sexual orientations. I find it hard to believe that anyone who interacts with a Muslim, a gay person or a person of a different race on a daily basis could still hate them. It is easy to hate what you don't know or understand.
Full disclosure, I was a registered Republican until Bush V Kerry. I left the party because of Bush when he said he didn't consult his dad before invading Irag, that he instead consulted his heavenly father. That led to really invest the time in political discourse and really study the issues. I then found out how backwards the GOP was and was embarrassed I was ever registered with them.
Being one who does not believe in a god, I have little room for religious sayings. I will say that I don't hate Joe Blow from Nebraska who is a racist. I wish I could sit down and have a chat with them and see if could change his mind. He doesn't know any better, but folks like Trump, Rush or Hannity, I hate. They know better and stoke the fire at the harm to the country for their own advancement.