Maybe it's time for the left to face up to something...
This mess is your fault.
The hatred you keep charging the other side with is the same hatred you feel for them. You look down on the right as intellectually inferior and treat them with condescension , insults and self righteous indignation.
The left and right are no more than 2 sides of the same corrupt coin.
What did you expect? You are not going to sway opinion to your side by being condescending and insulting. You tell them their values are no longer valid. You tell them they have to change.
You insult their families and call them deplorable.
Then you get indignant when they don't do what you tell them to do.
They didn't vote for Donald Trump because they're like him, they voted for the guy...
Who didn't tell them their way of life is invalid.
Who didn't tell them the things they value...patriotism, individual rights, family...are passe' and old fashioned..
Who didn't tell them they need to feel guilty for things that happened before they were born.
Who didn't tell them they need to apologize for being born American.
Did the left actually say all that? No, but that's what they heard through all of your insults and condescencion...
If the left wants to fix things, if they want to enact real, sweeping, permanent change they need to start with themselves...
Find a way to change minds without insults and condescension ...
Be better, get better, do better...
I'm going to preface this with "I like you jello, and you know that. I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at the view you put forth in the above quoted post. So with that disclaimer...
Rubio, Bush, Carson, Cruz, et. all didn't tell them their way of life was invalid. They didn't tell them their way of life was old fashioned. They didn't make them feel guilty for things that happened before they were born. etc.
But THEY still didn't get the nod. Who got the nod for the GOP? The guy who made fun of disabled people. The guy who talks about women sometimes as if their appearance were the only thing that matters, but then other times tries to say he's the most feminist guy you'll ever meet. The guy who was a major figure in the birther movement. The guy who promised to ban people from entering our SECULAR country based on their RELIGION with goes DIRECTLY against our CONSTITUTION.
And as you said, did the left actually say all those things? No. (Which, are you actually excusing them for believing the right wing media's spin? And calling the left "condescending" for pointing that out?) But did Donald Trump actually say/do all those things I mention above? Yes. It's not a matter of interpretation. It's a matter of playing back fucking video evidence.
So don't tell me it's the left's fault for being too condescending when a young black kid gets shot in a park for playing with a toy gun, from a cop who practically jumps out of his car with the gun ready to fire, no warnings, no trying to talk to the kid, just open fire, and the left tries to say "See? This is exactly what we're talking about. There's a problem here that needs addressing." And the right answers back "Cops have a hard job." ...and
that's the
reasonable ones!!!
Don't try to tell me it's the left's fault for being too condescending when so many of my own friends and family are posting BLATANT lies on facebook, obviously not fact checking or looking into it, just saying "haha that supports my already held beliefs and I find it funny so I'm going to share it, whether it's true or not, because I don't value truth as much as I do being "right" and poking fun at the other side, and the do it so much and so often that it's impossible to address each one. And when you try to show them how the meme is false, or doesn't fairly show the intricacies of the actual issue at hand all you get in return is "[choose your source] is just part of the lame stream biased media." ...and that's the reasonable ones!!! You'll also get "Get a job and move out of your mom's basement, why don't you?!" Seriously, post ANYTHING remotely liberal on any topic in an open forum and someone will tell you to get a job and move out of your mom's basement, based on no other information than your stance on a social topic. Now, which side are you trying to tell me is FUCKING CONDESCENDING?! You ever been called a "Sheeple". Yeah, that's not FUCKING CONDESCENDING.
How many memes have you guys seen in the past two days about cops appeasing Trump protestors by handing out "Participation Trophies". Yeah...that's not FUCKING CONDESCENDING.
Don't try to play the left off as the side of condescension and "I'm better than you" attitude. You've obviously never taken the liberal side in an argument with the ilk of Trump supporters that I encounter online, and at work, and at my local bar. Everybody who supported Hillary is just "soooo fucking stupid and brainwashed and gullible."
If I'm condescending by telling someone they're ignorant for not knowing the facts of an issue that can be easily researched and proven, but instead they choose to use only Fox News and Brietbart and other non-recognizable no-name blog/news sources with 'conservanation-trunews-patriotpartynewsnation-realtruthparty' in the url....well theN I'll gladly take that label.
If someone believes that vaccines cause autism, or the earth is flat, or evolution isn't "real", ...isn't there some amount of condescension that's acceptable? I mean, how can you someone that everything they believe about a subject like that is just completely and utterly wrong
without sounding at least somewhat condescending?! It's a similar problem when trying to tell someone that we, believe it or not, actually do have a problem with the police in this country, and whether it's racially motivated, or a systemic issue with requirement and training and policies, or some combination of the two, it does exist. You can't possibly watch every controversial police encounter video of the past 5-10 years (and there are LOTS of them) and after your finished come to the conclusion that nothing's wrong, and everything is working as it's supposed to without some fucking cognitive dissonant magic. Every case has it's nuances. Every case could and should be looked into closely. Not every one of them will result in the cop being guilty, nor should they. But you can't possibly take the sum total of them all and come to the conclusion that "Yup, everything is great." Yet... people hold that opinion. (mostly likely they've never bothered to actually WATCH all the videos, but... I can't bring that up because I'll sound condescending. They're allowed to base their opinion on their values, right. And if they value police officers because they stop bad guys, then they're allowed to believe that the police can do no wrong as a matter of definition. Right? And not letting them believe that is condescending and judgemental. Right?)
Come off it. This is a bullshit stance.