I am not sure what I think about the term limits idea. My gut instinct is that it's a good thing but I haven't given it enough thought to really form a smart opinion yet.
I've heard this argument made, and it makes a lot of sense.
The world is a very complicated place. How long does it really take to become an expert in a complicated process? Technology (and the laws regulating it)? Foreign affairs? The economy? Energy? Environmental regulations? Social programs? etc. And I'm not just talking about informed enough to make an educated for/against judgement on a ballot. I'm talking about knowing every in and out, knowing forms and documents and procedures, knowing key players and building relationships, etc.
Imagine you're job was procuring permits for a major construction company who worked in several regions in several states. It would take you years to learn the ins-and-outs of just that process.
Or just look at energy. Do you know how the electricity market works? Do you know the actually costs and benefits, pros-and-cons of different renewables vs coal or natural gas. Do you know how many MWs you can milk per acre from a solar farm, and how that compares to the footprint of a coal or natural gas plant? Do you know all the different incentives for citizens putting solar on their rooftops and how that works? Do you understand Net Metering? Do you why a power company needs Natural Gas plants to supplement solar? (Hint: the sun gets hidden by clouds, and that lost power needs to be generated somewhere else,
quick, to keep the grid stable.)
So, it could be said that we as a public benefit from politicians who have been in the game for awhile and know what they're doing. (of course this all hinges on those politicians actually having the public good as their goal and priority, no corruption, yadda yadda, but we're making that assumption here, devil's advocate and all)
They days of hoping for the educated farmer who reads Plato at night reluctantly stepping away from his farm to serve his civil duty for 4 years, then returning to the plow is over.
And I think I mostly agree with all of this. We, as citizens, just need to do a LOT better job of knowing our senators and representatives, like we obsess over our presidents. We need to do a LOT better job of voting them out when nothing gets done. We need to get money out of politics, get it back down to a reasonable level of corruption, (cause let's be honest), and get educated and dedicated individuals in there.
I'm fine paying a good salary and great benefits to someone who is going to become an expert in a subject, devote their life to it, and sit on committees and read legislation and make well educated decisions on the best course of action for their state or nation or both. And I'm fine with them making a career out of it. The problem isn't that politicians are in office too long.It's WHICH politicians are in office too long, and why the hell aren't people voting them out?