Riffin' neither...until I lived through 440+ pages of this thread.I don't feel like an old motherfucker...??? neither...until I lived through 440+ pages of this thread.I don't feel like an old motherfucker...???
I was a little kid and looked up to those flower children and former hippies in the early 70's, and when I got to adulthood in the 80's, wondered what the heck happened to all of them. Not that my generation in follow up effectively did all that much to carry the re-ignite and carry the torch either after it got dropped.Most days I think to myself that you'll never have the numbers to tear down the system from within so you need to burn it down from outside. Sounds a bit out there when you stop to think about it.
I was talking to my Dad a few weeks ago and he was spitting all sorts of venom about the Clintons & I know he and his buddies have never stopped circulating all those chain emails about how horrible they are. I came to a really interesting realization that portion of his generation, the baby boomers/flower children/former hippies that had to grow up and put on a suit to go to work, really see the Clintons as a reflection of how much their generation failed on the promise to buy the world a coke and teach it how to sing. My Mom however is completely the opposite of this POV.
Yes, me neither. Hopefully, I have a few decades in me left. And I care very much about the world we will leave to our children. I would bet most others do too. Fear, leading to misunderstanding and lack of understanding, leading to hate and blame . . . etc. But it has all been said before methinks. Still, better to continue to talk about it than retreat into our respective caves and throw rocks and sticks out of the mouth of the cave at each other. (not directed at anyone here particularly).I don't feel like an old motherfucker...???
it's a double edged sword. but only rarely. (imo) if you have a rep/senator that has been very good for your district/state, then you don't want to loose them. and term limits would do that. but (again imo) that's not ususally the case. it seems more often that term limits are good for getting rid of boat anchors.I am not sure what I think about the term limits idea. My gut instinct is that it's a good thing but I haven't given it enough thought to really form a smart opinion yet.
Some of them probably think motorized car windows are magic.
I still don't really understand what was so inconvenient about roll-up windows.
Carry on.
Driving by yourself and it starts to rain with all the windows down.
w/ Power windows, putting all the windows up while you continue to drive is nothing.
With manual windows after you got the drivers window up, you'd have to do this lean across the seats like a contortionist and take your eyes off the road for periods of time while you attempted to roll the rest of the windows up. The wider/longer the car, the more of a challenge it was.
Driving by yourself and it starts to rain with all the windows down.
w/ Power windows, putting all the windows up while you continue to drive is nothing.
With manual windows after you got the drivers window up, you'd have to do this lean across the seats like a contortionist and take your eyes off the road for periods of time while you attempted to roll the rest of the windows up. The wider/longer the car, the more of a challenge it was.
Driving by yourself and it starts to rain with all the windows down.
w/ Power windows, putting all the windows up while you continue to drive is nothing.
With manual windows after you got the drivers window up, you'd have to do this lean across the seats like a contortionist and take your eyes off the road for periods of time while you attempted to roll the rest of the windows up. The wider/longer the car, the more of a challenge it was.
Power windows suck when you miss the corner and drive into a lake and your electrical system shorts out and you left your hammer in your other pants.
Power windows suck when you miss the corner and drive into a lake and your electrical system shorts out and you left your hammer in your other pants.
Use the metal base on your head rest to bust the window.
Well I know...
I miss manual windows. Sure power windows have advantages. But fixing power windows can require hours of labor and isn’t cheap. The only manual window repair I ever made was a handle replacement that took five minutes (counting buying the new handle) and cost under $20.
Will do...Strike as close to an edge of the window as possible too