OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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So you're still hanging around then?

Apologies haha, I drank waaay too much last night and got about 3 hours of sleep :embarrassed:


I think I got about 3 hours sleep. I came very close to drinking last night and I haven't had a drink in almost 12 years. (not that I was an alcoholic and the date of my last drink, the last time I drank my youngest was less than a year old and she is almost 12)
Actually she has close to a 150k lead in the popular vote. I don't see asking for a recount the same as claiming the election is rigged. As we all saw in Bush V Gore, there are a ton of ways ballots can legitimately be off and I never stop hearing about one of them :grin: There is a difference in saying she cheated and we need to make sure all the votes are counted.
When I called it a night he was up in the popular...

Maybe later.
I think to some degree it's less the president you have to worry about, but the ambitious sycophants with questionable motives, experience, and ideologies he is surrounded with.

Bush is a good example.

Bush was a decent, well-meaning rich kid who failed up and unfortunately provided a platform for Cheney and Rumsfeld to get the band back together. Those two vicious shit weasels were the real architects of the vile '00s.

Trump is another lazy charismatic motherfucker who likes having his ego stroked. Unfortunately he is tight bros with w/ Nixon-era monster Roger Stone who is a weekly guest on neo-Bircher conspiracy and supplements outlet Infowars...sandwiched in-between the men's rights crap and David Goddamn Icke.

On top of that, Trump's only GOP political allies are creepy beasts from the past like Gringrich and Giuliani...people who everyone thought had been thoroughly repudiated because of their terrible thoughts, words, and deeds. But because they had nothing to lose, they hitched themselves to the crazy train.

Not to mention that the president elect recently scored a real live endorsement from the motherfucking KKK.

Say what you will about Trump the man or Trump the brand, but the fiends who swoop into power in his wake and the people sitting in their boxers thinking that they won something today could be primed for some nasty work.

HRC is a cruel little creature of the establishment, but the establishment is--though greedy and killy--reasonable. We have elected the champion of UNREASONABLE PEOPLE as our national hood ornament. Therein lies the big scary unknown.
Clinton won the popular vote.
Trump won more electoral college votes.

this is why the E.C. needs to go. and has for 100 years.
I think the thread needs to stay open. Close the thread, and I'm afraid politics will spill over to the rest of the forum. I like having it all in one easily avoidable place.

I also think that shit hasn't really even begun to hit the proverbial fan. It should be an entertaining read.
On a personal level...It'll be nice to stop pretending that Hillary that would make a really good president or was a really strong candidate. Having to roll that stone was really a drag. If Trump can't come to the center and be the leader we need, we've got four years to find a superior alternative. Should not be terribly difficult.

On a personal level...It'll be nice to stop pretending that Hillary that would make a really good president or was a really strong candidate. Having to roll that stone was really a drag. If Trump can't come to the center and be the leader we need, we've got four years to find a superior alternative. Should not be terribly difficult.

Actually, you have 2 years...the mid terms will be critical,bthen the Dems need to put forth a candidate that appeals rather repels voters...
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