Slender Hobbit
It's making blanket statements the even she characterized as "gross generalizations" that I object to...if you're going to call a spade a spade you'd better make sure you're not pinning that label on people who don't deserve it...
Negative campaigns as both sides are running are designed to appeal to the prejudices inherent to the people you're trying to attract...
Bias is bias...bigotry and hatred on one side, elitism, superiority, and judgement on the other, and both candidates are playing to it...
And "most Trump supporters" is just as unfair as her ststement, the statement that she had no choice but to retract and apologize for...even her side is aware that they nominated a candidate that polls show the majority finds dishonest and untrustworthy..."gross generalities" aren't helping her cause..
You are correct. Someone running for president shouldn't make those kind of comments especially when they are running under the "together" banner. But how much can a person take before fighting back? I can't think of a candidate that has been more scrutinized than her. That is her one blip and every time Trump opens his mouth it is a disaster. Political discourse in this country is getting out of hand. I would have thought with all the technology bringing people together would have been good, but it looks like people are just seeking out like minded people and that makes their terrible views (on both sides) seem ok.