Found a bit of a holy grail gun for me today. I've always wanted this particular set of features but they're just about impossible to find.
It's a ruger blackhawk 45 LC/45 ACP convertible. Stainless. 5.5 inch barrel. Large frame so it can handle the hotter "Ruger Only" 45 Colt loads. Adjustable sights, Bisely grip. All steel including the grip frame and ejector rod cover (which are aluminum on lesser blackhawks). Unfluted cylinder for the 45 LC.
It's perfect...It had to come home with me.
That is cool. I have a very similar super Blackhawk in 44 mag. It is a great gun. Mine is the same finish and barrel length, but mine is a standard grip. I've never seen a blckhawk Bisely frame, let alone one with a 45 acp conversion cylinder. Congrats on finding such a cool and rare combo.