Those are good prices. I can still reload 9mm cheaper, but it's almost not worth the hassle (that, I don't actually own a 9mm, lol).FYI, on the subject of cheap 9mm and .22LR|+22LR+Ammo,+9mm,+5.56mm&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4f4aeab969-20921d8c40-969817
(^ this is more per round than my local is selling bricks of Fed Am Eagle when I factor in sales tax)
I am super pleased with my new M&P 9
Nice. 32 rounds @ 7, same pace first run with my new cz75I am super pleased with my new M&P 9
I want a ruger mk III bad. Probably will get the browning camper.
Just picked up 4K rounds of 22lr.
I can get it for $650. Bunch of clips and ammo included.