2016-17 NFL Thread.

A sloppy but much needed win by the Eagles over the Vikings by a score of 21-10. The D line put pressure on and hit Bradford often. The D even had a goal line stand that was impressive. Next week it's Dallass.
Wow. That was ugly offensively for the Seahawks. I am impressed by the defense just for playing so long and holding the Cardinals to just field goals. And the missed field goals. Ugly, ugly, ugly. But at least it was not a loss.
This is the time of year when the packers start asserting themselves -- as the season changes and those pussy NFC north teams sweltering in indoor stadiums have to put on their big-boy pants and play outside...
I would really, really like to engage someone who thinks that Tom Brady is a "system quarterback."
The thing is, I'm not really a "Brady fan," or a "Belichick fan." Or even a "Robert Kraft fan." I'm a PATRIOTS FAN. For example, I wish Brady would have immediately distanced himself from Trump's campaign rhetoric, instead of inviting speculation that he's a Fellow Traveler.

That said, his performance is astonishing to me. It's not just the throws made, it's everything: the pre-snap reads. The overall game awareness. The lack of mistakes. The way he takes all of the component parts of winning, and chases each one like a pterodactyl with his child in its beak.

Was it being chosen 199th? Who knows. But I know this: he fucking hates to lose.
Seahawks found a way to win. Russell and Jimmy looked good. No running game. Offensive line still sucks. We need Kam back. Would love Bennett back too. Yes, Sherman was offsides and roughed the kicker. But he was going for the ball and no whistle blew. Not intentional or cheap. And the 3 points in and of themselves would not have mattered. Oh, and apparently, you can hold Jimmy Graham's arm back (not arm battling, literally holding the arm back to prevent moving to the ball and closing the other hand on it) and make him go one handed (which he will then to and make you look foolish) and get called for holding/PI only one out of two times. Calls get missed. Go Seahawks!
Cool story, bro.

I was impartial to the game, though I'm a Jimmy Graham fan. Nice to see the Seahawks finally realize he's on their team :lol:

Yeah that kick and the penalty was a series of bullshit. And I thought a whistle was blown? The announcers seemed to think so.

Terrible reffing that game.