Do you really think rentals...duplexes, single homes, small 10 uniti apartment plexus will have plug ins? (the answer is no) electric is yet another symobol of have and have nots, more division of class. It's an elitist thing right now.
Fossil fuels are not necessarilly the enemy I have a faossil fuel burner I bought in 2011...I've put 48,000 miles on it since. How many have you put on yours? It's people driving around willy nilly, commuting 60 miles a day, running here and there. If everyone does the same with electric then we have to build more batteries, dispose of plus everything else. We don't know what that's gonna look like problem wise (most likely just a new problem we can't conceive right now) and then you have the increased cost of electricity and again not everyone can go solar and once again renters will lose out or how do you work colar into high rise apartment rentals as in who decides the pricing on that? Will it be up to individual capitalists and then what does that do ? (most likely it drives the increase of rent up even higher because we know what individual capitalists will do)...It's a whole can of 'nother worms.
i say the way forward is the tiny Chevy metro
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