The Tattoos of Weinworld

you can see the upper arm pretty good in this old pic...

'twas me new summer frock, yeah.:lol:

I used to do these "dare me to take a pic" threads on another forum years back.
this was one of the dares, though there was s'posed to be kabuki makeup too, but I didn't have the stuff to do that.
I like tats... just never got around to getting them... at just about 47 years old, there is probably no point... my wife has a bunch, however...
Idk about anyone else but the word tat just seems so white sweet tat man, let's go cruise for babes in the IROC
Idk about anyone else but the word tat just seems so white sweet tat man, let's go cruise for babes in the IROC
I can safely safe I've never said anything like that, nor have I ever been in an IROC (that is a car, right?)

that line sounds like something I'd expect to hear on that Jersey Shore thing, if I ever watched it.
First of all, ouch.

Second, all the sudden I want one. Not something elaborate like that but I want something. Not sure why. My wife and I talk about it every once in a while but we just never have pulled the trigger. I think because I can never decide on what I want. My wife always says to get some Chinese symbols that mean something just to us. My problem is, I cant be sure they wont put ass hat on me and I'll never know and I just dont think I am a Chinese symbols kind of guy.
Johnny...I know of some incredible guys close to you...I'll pm you some info.

Personally...I'm not into a lot of script...I think pictures say so much for example my tattoo symbolizes perseverance (the koi swimming up the waterfall) against adversity (the snake). Simple tattoo (imo).

Bottom line though...its personal. Get something YOU will dig. Kanji, script...whatever...but get it from someone who kicks ass at tattooing...

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Very cool man. . . how much more you got left on that one?

Maybe an hour or two. Its very very tempting to fully sleeve the arm at this point. :embarrassed:

My Dad (who is 73) is going in for one soon...I think I will get something that Dad has a panther head on his calf, I thought about getting one too as a little tribute to the old man.