The Tattoos of Weinworld

Thinking hard about my next one. . . I know what I want, but I don't know how big or where yet. Considering the shop, too, I might wait till I get back to Maui. Seems the quality of artwork is a little better over there, on average. But I want it now, dammit! :mad: :lol:

Actually, I've got two that I want to get. Wonder if they'll give me a deal. . .
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Thinking hard about my next one. . . I know what I want, but I don't know how big or where yet. Considering the shop, too, I might wait till I get back to Maui. Seems the quality of artwork is a little better over there, on average. But I want it now, dammit! :mad: :lol:

Actually, I've got two that I want to get. Wonder if they'll give me a deal. . .

Dude, you can't possibly get a better tattoo anywhere in the world than San Francisco. Check out BlackHeart Tattoo in particular. I will probably travel to SF for the rest of my major work (back in particular).

Reverend, I am seriously excited for you!!! He's another "getting 'a golf lesson from Tiger Woods" kinda guy
Dude, you can't possibly get a better tattoo anywhere in the world than San Francisco. Check out BlackHeart Tattoo in particular. I will probably travel to SF for the rest of my major work (back in particular).

Reverend, I am seriously excited for you!!! He's another "getting 'a golf lesson from Tiger Woods" kinda guy

But see, that would require a special trip, whereas I'll eventually be back in Maui anyway :tongue:

*edit* the site loads for me, but the galleries are getting blocked by my antivirus. :\
But see, that would require a special trip, whereas I'll eventually be back in Maui anyway :tongue:

*edit* the site loads for me, but the galleries are getting blocked by my antivirus. :\

Dude, life's pretty badass whens its easier to get to Maui than SF!!! LOL!
Dude, you can't possibly get a better tattoo anywhere in the world than San Francisco. Check out BlackHeart Tattoo in particular. I will probably travel to SF for the rest of my major work (back in particular).

Reverend, I am seriously excited for you!!! He's another "getting 'a golf lesson from Tiger Woods" kinda guy

Thanks man. I'm excited too. I did contact him originally because I know likes to do larger pieces. I guess he's interested so I'm crossing my fingers.
See, though, one is a family vacation, while the other is a superfluous trip that takes all day :wink:
I'm into session number 5 or so on my arm and its still not done....can't imagine traveling for decent sized work.
This will maybe mean something to ahazzz or Johnny maybe...

Got an appointment with Valerie Vargas in October at a convention in San Francisco. It's like getting a golf lesson from tiger woods. I'm stoked

I just got an email back back from Kore Flatmo about scheduling a consultation.

You guys are freaking rock stars. That is awesome on both accounts. Finances havent been good so I havent thought about it in a while but I was just thinking about what I would want next.

Those are two amazing artists. You guys are doing it right.
That website ruined me for tattoos like this ones ruined me for quality gear. :grin:

At this point I amazingly have a little extra cash, plus making travel/tattoo arrangements was a lot easier when I was separated. :embarrassed:. My wife is still happy I'm back (poor lady, lol) so she isn't giving me any pushback.

I'm sooooo excited! I'm trying to secure a second appointment at the convention. I need to make a call to London to try to get Stewart Robson...I can't imagine flying to London anytime soon, so catching them together in SF would be amazing. Stewart and Valerie are married, I think it would be cool to have them both do something cool on my arm.

Wait, that sounded weird. Lol!
That website ruined me for tattoos like this ones ruined me for quality gear. :grin:

At this point I amazingly have a little extra cash, plus making travel/tattoo arrangements was a lot easier when I was separated. :embarrassed:. My wife is still happy I'm back (poor lady, lol) so she isn't giving me any pushback.

I'm sooooo excited! I'm trying to secure a second appointment at the convention. I need to make a call to London to try to get Stewart Robson...I can't imagine flying to London anytime soon, so catching them together in SF would be amazing. Stewart and Valerie are married, I think it would be cool to have them both do something cool on my arm.

Wait, that sounded weird. Lol!

YOur going to run out of room soon. BTW did you finish the rest of the Tiger piece? I seem to recall the outline of a cobra that wasnt shaded yet.
I'm still waiting for my next side appointment...turns out my artist is a drummer. UGH. Lol! I should be getting in for my side in the next few weeks, drummer has been touring. Sheesh!

My wife and I had the "your going to be covered!" conversation yesterday...I figure at this point I still have less than 15% of my body covered (she described it as half, which is simply not accurate). I don't want full coverage, like I don't want my legs "sleeved" (I like the term squid pants, but I don't want them). I want my arms totally done, my back, my other side, chest...after that I'm pretty much done. :embarrassed:

I'll spare you guys the ass pics. Lol!
Well it's now official. My consultation with Kore Flatmo is July 23rd. We will start on the tattoo in September. Mrs. Rev will be having her first tattoo done at the same time by Kore's wife Brenda. Hers will be much smaller and less involved than mine will be. I'm super excited.
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I'm excited for supper, too. And I just ate breakfast :embarrassed:


I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.

I need to stop in and see if I can't get a cost/time estimate on what I've been envisioning. . . just so happens the shop is on one of my ways home :grin:
I'm excited for supper, too. And I just ate breakfast :embarrassed:


I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.

I need to stop in and see if I can't get a cost/time estimate on what I've been envisioning. . . just so happens the shop is on one of my ways home :grin:


I hate when I misspell a word with another word so spell check doesn't catch it. I fail at spelling.