Peekertones iz trampstamp
I'm cool with that.
NIce, I thinking about a traditional Japanese style dragon myself.
That is what I really want but I dont think I could justify the expense. I would want a pretty significant dragon so what I want would be pricey. I think well done dragon is about is cool as it gets. Well, or a Peekertones logo.
Yeah there is going to be saving required. I decided if I do it I going to get what I want and have someone good do it. Once I get some cash saved up I think I will contact Kore Flatmo and see if it would be something he would be interested in doing. Then I can harass Andy.
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You could harass me tooI'd love to see more work by Flatmo....
You could harass me tooI'd love to see more work by Flatmo....
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G via Tapatalk.
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G via Tapatalk.
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G via Tapatalk.
Had to share that on facebook. That's awesome!