The Tattoos of Weinworld

One of he seven consorts of Buddha is on the top half now with a big empty banner on the bottom around my elbow on to my forearm....I'll be fleshing out the design with my buddy in the next two weeks and getting started in January
One of he seven consorts of Buddha is on the top half now with a big empty banner on the bottom around my elbow on to my forearm....I'll be fleshing out the design with my buddy in the next two weeks and getting started in January

Awesome! Looking forward to pics.

I started the color on my ribs last painful.

This is about halfway through my session last week:



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Awesome! Looking forward to pics.

I started the color on my ribs last painful.

Speaking of painful, did you see the pic over at LST where the guy's tiger chest piece is actually ON his nipples, not just around them? That's just gotta hurt...
DSC_0014 - Copy.jpg

My brand spanking new phoenix. I really like it. It was great experience all around. My first one. I'm getting another beer.
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I need to get some photos of my 2 up on here. Got one on my right shoulder I got when I was 18 I dig and one on my left I got in Latvia when I was kinda drunk so the final product is a lot smaller than it should have been and I've always wanted to add to it.

I've not wanted to add any more for years, too many kids in work get all excited about it when they show through my shirts :confused: but I'm getting the bug again.

I'm either going to go for the marching hammers from the wall:


One of my best buddies (who I happened to get my 1st tattoo alongside) had one similar to this design on his left fore arm. He passed away at the start of the year and I'd like to get it somewhere a bit less conspicuous (it looks very swastika unless you're close up and got us into a lot of trouble one time we were in Berlin!!!) with his DOB and death on it as a bit of a tribute.

But I also would quite like to get a few lines from Springsteen's Badlands I've always dug: A poor man wants to be rich, a rich man wants to be king, but a king ain't satisfied 'till he rules everything.

The hammers could go on either peck quite easilly. Dunno where I'd get the lyrics though because there's no way I'm getting anything below my elbow line and I dunno if a block of text would look good. :shrug:
First of all, ouch.

Second, all the sudden I want one. Not something elaborate like that but I want something. Not sure why. My wife and I talk about it every once in a while but we just never have pulled the trigger. I think because I can never decide on what I want. My wife always says to get some Chinese symbols that mean something just to us. My problem is, I cant be sure they wont put ass hat on me and I'll never know and I just dont think I am a Chinese symbols kind of guy.

A guy I went to school with is in the British Army. When his squadron did their first tour of the Afghan they all went to Turkey on leave and got the same tattoo that was supposed to be the regiment motto in Arabic.

I showed one of the Arab guys I worked alongside in Saudi a picture of his tattoo and he said it was nonsense, an Arabic looking squiggle :grin: :facepalm:
I need to get some photos of my 2 up on here. Got one on my right shoulder I got when I was 18 I dig and one on my left I got in Latvia when I was kinda drunk so the final product is a lot smaller than it should have been and I've always wanted to add to it.

I've not wanted to add any more for years, too many kids in work get all excited about it when they show through my shirts :confused: but I'm getting the bug again.

I'm either going to go for the marching hammers from the wall:


One of my best buddies (who I happened to get my 1st tattoo alongside) had one similar to this design on his left fore arm. He passed away at the start of the year and I'd like to get it somewhere a bit less conspicuous (it looks very swastika unless you're close up and got us into a lot of trouble one time we were in Berlin!!!) with his DOB and death on it as a bit of a tribute.

But I also would quite like to get a few lines from Springsteen's Badlands I've always dug: A poor man wants to be rich, a rich man wants to be king, but a king ain't satisfied 'till he rules everything.

The hammers could go on either peck quite easilly. Dunno where I'd get the lyrics though because there's no way I'm getting anything below my elbow line and I dunno if a block of text would look good. :shrug:

That kinda of skinhead thing man. Dont do it!
Marching hammers has some pretty racist overtones here...

The only people my mate hated was the English :facepalm: but he loved Floyd hence the tattoo and as I said, the 1st time I ever saw Berlin he was with me and people were walking past looking at him like wtf man because it looked like a swastika from a distance but to him it was just a Floyd tattoo.

I'm more leaning towards going for the Springsteen lyrics if I can find a cool font but I love the Wall (he was supposed to see Waters do the Wall with me and his sisters fiance before he passed away...) and since I got my first tattoo with him and he was one of my closest friends I think it would be nice to get the same tattoo somewhere discreet with the dates on it at some point.

Saying that, looking at yours, I'm thinking I better stfu and cover my pishy solid black tribals or go all out :grin: