That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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My eight year old son has been on a Star Wars kick lately. I got my old Star Wars (original) stuff out of my Mom's attic the other day for him to play with.


I have a box with most of those same Star War figures in it in my garage somewhere.
Oh well.

Remember my son's kid who got killed in September? Now we learn his girlfriend is pregnant. Due with his baby in March.
The situation goes from tragic to, well, I don't know what's worse than tragic, but whatever that is, this is it.


Oh well.

Remember my son's kid who got killed in September? Now we learn his girlfriend is pregnant. Due with his baby in March.
The situation goes from tragic to, well, I don't know what's worse than tragic, but whatever that is, this is it.


Does anyone know if he had any idea that his girlfriend was pregnant?
My eight year old son has been on a Star Wars kick lately. I got my old Star Wars (original) stuff out of my Mom's attic the other day for him to play with.

that Death Star looks to be in pretty good shape.
if it's all there, its worth a tidy sum
and that looks like it may be the small-headed Han Solo, also worth a few bucks.

now, if that's actually a vintage production error Snaggletooth there, you just got a new car.

I mean they are all worthless, send them to me.

I'd love to have my old Death Star playset back, that thing was the bee's knees.
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