That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Man arrested at Large Hadron Collider claims he's from the future.

Police said Mr Cole, who was wearing a bow tie and rather too much tweed for his age, would not reveal his country of origin. "Countries do not exist where I am from. The discovery of the Higgs boson led to limitless power, the elimination of poverty and Kit-Kats for everyone. It is a communist chocolate hellhole and I'm here to stop it ever happening."
I like Kit Kats.???


I like the taste of them, but all that crap makes me feel like crap, and then I would be a miserable fuck, and wish for the world to end, rather than sucking it up and a being grateful and positive addition to the world... Nope, can't eat KitKats...
You gotta love a gal with a phaser rifle.


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