That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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We'll see. I'll rig it so it can be undone if it fails.

If the concept works but I don't like the pickup, I'll go with a good dogear or something.

so what's up with this bg76 guy i keep hearing aboot?




Basically, he thinks that everyone in the world is an anti-Semite. What he doesn't realize is, if you look for racism/bigotry in everything, you're going to find it. And he's just an asshole.
so what's up with this bg76 guy i keep hearing aboot?

Where to begin?
He builds fake Gibsons and Fenders complete with colors to match the lifted serial numbers then plays victim when someone calls him on it
He's condescending
He calls everyone who disagrees with him anti semetic
He's an ed Roman fanboi
He stalks people around the internet and harasses them

I think that about covers it.

He uses their serial numbers? WTF?

And yeah, he's Ed Roman's bitch. Or Ed Roman. The latter could be true, as they both think they know everything.
Where to begin?
He builds fake Gibsons and Fenders complete with colors to match the lifted serial numbers then plays victim when someone calls him on it
He's condescending
He calls everyone who disagrees with him anti semetic
He's an ed Roman fanboi
He stalks people around the internet and harasses them

I think that about covers it.


yeah, fuck that guy.
Yeah, I went out to do marketing today. God, I hate that shit. You feel like a noob all over again.

Yes, the blue SG he made, he went on about researching Gibson serial numbers to find one that came pelham blue from the factory.

He needs to learn that people don't hate him because he's Jewish. Hell, if not for constantly bringing it up, nobody would know (or give a shit) who his grandmother was.
People hate him because he's a dick.

I hate racism of any sort with a passion and it seems stupid to go making charges against everything you see.
Soon, it becomes nothing more than crying "wolf!" And when the real shit hits the fan, nobody's listening any more.

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