That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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This truly is seedy. Can we change the subject to something else? Maybe something honorable and steeped in tradition like Penn State football or Syracuse basketball.

Oh, wait.

Speaking of honorable, I went to the county fair, and I didn't even get horny... I wouldn't trade ol' Bessie for all the sheep in the state...
No, I don't think so. :grin:


Well, yea... I see what you mean...

Anyways, back to the topic at hand... Have you ever had a hemroid? And, how do you spell hemroid? Spell checker is of no help Oh, I got it online... Hemmorhoid...

Anyways, apparently, even people our age get them... I hope to never endure that pain in the ass...
Yeah. BG76 from HC seems to have it bad for me.
According to him, I'm an anti-semite.
Now he's taken to lifting my youtube videos, posting them on his page and making fun of Uncle Jack.

I need to stay away from that place, but it's like a good train wreck...hard to look away.
Sooooo many asshats there


If you can not let it bug you when it gets personal, you win... I have no problem with that, but most do, eventually... I learned years ago, starting out on CB radio in 1975, and moving on to amateur radio... There will always be people searching for any way to get people spun... You really have to not care, and if there is something you actually do care about, you never say a word, and just take care of business...

I have a feeling I'm preaching to the quoir...
Yeah. BG76 from HC seems to have it bad for me.
According to him, I'm an anti-semite.
Now he's taken to lifting my youtube videos, posting them on his page and making fun of Uncle Jack.


He's such a fucking shithead. He's the new GM&P, and the only person on HCEG that I truly despise.

Oh, and hi!!! :helper:

I've been out of town, and then I was real busy and junk. I got a new guitar though. YAY!!!

Yeah. BG76 from HC seems to have it bad for me.
According to him, I'm an anti-semite.
Now he's taken to lifting my youtube videos, posting them on his page and making fun of Uncle Jack.


someone else I know is not happy with that guy either. Apparently he's an asshat to everyone.
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