That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Will do Mr. Mark sir! UPS left it at the front door around lunchtime today, so I had to take a cab home and get it real quick before the neighborhood rapscallions absconded with it. I only got to play it for a couple minutes (yes, I opened the damn thing while the case was still a little chilly, I can't help myself, shut up), and really liked it. I didn't have time for pics, as I had to rush back to work.

It's a Hamer Mirage II, Koa top. I'll take some pics tonight, promise. :thu:
Yeah, for me too, but I also don't want to summon a chorus of mojos. Let's chat this weekend and catch up, and we can whine about our lives in private. :)
did you put it in the Godin? BTW, I was thinking that you had sold the 5th Ave a while back. Guess not. Oh, that's right, it was me that did that.
I had a guy wanting to buy the 5th, but I decided against.

Have not put it in yet. Things been busy.
Going to attempt a temp hookup to test it out.

I'll find out.
The Kingpins aren't awful, but they can wail.
If I like it and it's a problem, I'll probably do some stuff to stiffen the top. I hate floppy wood.

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