That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Wow, this is the 7th day in a row that I have had no beer... That's a record... I don't actually miss it... I guess I'm getting old...
this is the 4th or 5th day in a row that I've really wanted beer.
I'm leaning towards a Monday daytime drunk though...
yeah, I had some time off...
though I made up for that last trip to Winnipeg :lol:

these came in the mail today


WOOHOO! :grin:
Go get fed...

Man, I played guitar for many hours today... My finger tips are actually a bit sore, even though I play every day... I did a lot of multi-string bends today...
And I get to take a little road trup with a side stop to see progress on my tele. Woot!

Finally got fretwire to the guy. He may be almost done.

I will.

It's getting close, I'm gonna have to make a decision soon on the finish.
Right now, I'm leaning towards just doing a black grain fill, some amber shellac and a clear lacquer top coat.
It does have maple binding on it now.

yeah, I had some time off...
though I made up for that last trip to Winnipeg :lol:

these came in the mail today


WOOHOO! :grin:

My eight year old son has been on a Star Wars kick lately. I got my old Star Wars (original) stuff out of my Mom's attic the other day for him to play with.

Oh well.

Remember my son's kid who got killed in September? Now we learn his girlfriend is pregnant. Due with his baby in March.
The situation goes from tragic to, well, I don't know what's worse than tragic, but whatever that is, this is it.

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