That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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I'm here way too early.


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It's a sticker I gave to the drummer before I quit 5years ago and he put on his lyrics binder.

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sadly, I didn't get any new toys today
though I'll be picking up a box from the post office tomorrow.
got a late shift for work, so I can actually get my mail on a day other than Monday.

not sure what's in this box, as I have so much stuff coming, including a Secret Santa thing we do on one of my toy forums.

y'all ever do something like that here?
You boys need to hit the hay--we've got a big day tomorrow. Dad's gonna take you to get the Kwanzaa Bush and we're gonna decorate it with dredels and matzah and angels and shit.

We'll put one of these on top:
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all I did for xmas was to put a Spidey fig on the fridge door.
he has magnets in his feet, y'see.

he's wearing a Santa hat

bah humbug, sez I.
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