Surgery booked for next Friday.

Glad all went well and here's hoping the road to recovery is smooth.

The pic is giving me Valve logo flashbacks though:

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I had prednazone, and it's not that i was hungry, but once i started eating it was as if i couldn't stop! I went to the market on day and was ready to consume the store.

Hospital probably needed the bed, and you were well enough to go home. Generally, when one is in the healthcare system, they don't release you until all the required "healthy" numbers are met, regardless of how you may be feeling.

Enjoy being at home!
All joking aside, this truly blows and I'm sorry you're having to deal with it.

Get well soon, no one knows what to do or how to act. JBird is listening to Frisell albums now. We anxiously await your condescension and derision.


I appreciate the sympathy, but I’ve been living with this for 12 years now, have met hundreds (if not thousands) of incredible young adult cancer survivors. I feel extremely fortunate to be one of the lucky ones. When I was diagnosed, Sarah was pregnant with the twins. There’s no timeline in recorded history where I’d still be alive by now.
A while ago I had a minor heart surgery and had to rest at home for some weeks. I played my guitars, of course, but also spent a lot of time watching all of Tarkovskij’s films. They can all be found on youtube, with english subtitles. With a computer one can go back and see scenes one more time, I found that being nice, in the shape I was.
Guess you have already seen them all, but here’s The Mirror anyway:

All joking aside, this truly blows and I'm sorry you're having to deal with it.

Get well soon, no one knows what to do or how to act. JBird is listening to Frisell albums now. We anxiously await your condescension and derision.

Hey! It was my Frisell Friday that achieved Flamencology's successful result.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
I had prednazone, and it's not that i was hungry, but once i started eating it was as if i couldn't stop! I went to the market on day and was ready to consume the store.

Took prednisone for a couple weeks and it was a laundry list of unpleasant side-effects. It's pretty cheap medication compared to some alternatives so insurance companies will often require doctors to prescribe it before authorizing other drug therapies.