Surgery booked for next Friday.

Just took my second dose. (Take it before bed)

Felt pretty awful when I woke up this morning. Cramps, bordering between discomfort and pain. But it subsided with 45 minutes or so.

Then I got up and went for a small hike with the dogs. Then, when I got home, had breakfast, showered, and put on a pair of pyjamas. And that was essentially my day.
Too tired to hike with the dogs this morning.

Stomach sick too, but not too too bad. Still have an appetite and a libido. But exhausted, exhausted, exhausted. Bone-tired.
So if I understand this correctly, you took your oral chemo pills, and then decided to 'git to it', as the young people say?

Bravo, sir. You are an inspiration.
Hang in there man. Sounds like it's not kicking your ass too hard which is good. I imagine it's you kicking its ass though. Stay strong.