Pets of Wein

Neighbor needed somebody to take a kitten. Ophelia is a fan. Here is a unique moment where the dog is not trying to put the kitten in her mouth.

Nice! . I always got the mediums for both Callie and Sonny now. Sonny has a weird fit in that he has a super deep chest but then he's greyhound like just behind the stomach. I woulda thought medium would be more the fit for Kiira * and that's what I'd probably lean to as she gets more grown too) but that's the good thing about adjustable stuff.
BTW in the future if there's ever anything dog related you want from the "states" that isn't readily available online or doesn't ship to you I would be happy to be the middle man and could get it and ship to you, just pm me.
Thanks, I'll keep it in mind when we need something for her!

And Kiira looks a lot bigger in pictures than she actually is. All of our friends that saw pictures of her before seeing her in real life are surprised at how small she is. Her shoulders just about reach my knee, and I'm not a tall guy by any means. The S is definitely the right size, just not by as much as the measurements suggested.
Watched the whole thing and had a tear in my eye at the end. It made me think about (and hopefully it won't be for many years yet) that there's going to be a morning I'll wake up and not have my first order of business be to give Lola her customary bum then belly rub (always in that order) .

I just asked Mrs JBJ if she makes her do that if I'm out super early or staying over for a gig. Nope, her job is a little peck on the snout then to let her into bed. It's weird their little idiosyncrasies.

I digress before I get sad: in this week's edition of how much money (and energy) will this dog cost me I've almost finalised my plans to repurpose the garden (which I spent £££ and A LOT of graft not too many years ago turning into a great party / chilling/ cooking space) into a more Lola friendly space .

Aspirationally it'll be £500 and 2 or 3 days. :bigg:

Don't worry the hot tub and cooking area shall remain but there'll be alot more Lola friendly space in our little garden.:thu:
The highest altitude Lola us currently capable of scaling is Mrs JBJs side of the bed once I've left for work and half the time she can't be bothered doing that so no :embarrassed:
Well I found out that just because it's called a Netherlands Dwarf Bunny doesn't mean they stay small. We're gonna have 2 huge bunnies in a few months. :kanyefacepalm:
My sweet Dixie girl is gone.

Yesterday morning she started throwing up grass. Not unlike her. She didn't eat breakfast, which is very unlike her. She was still sick, then she threw up a decent chunk of a rope pull toy, so we thought that was perhaps it. She didn't eat dinner, and was vomiting more through the evening, and she was clearly miserable all night, waking us up frequently to take her outside.

We called our vet at 8 am and had her scheduled for 11. Dixie couldn't even get up to walk to the car, we carried her in a blanket. The vet came out to the car to meet us, and she felt a mass in Dixie's abdomen. She said it was either an obstruction or cancer. She could have done exploratory surgery, as x-rays won't show soft obstructions like socks, but she said at Dixie's age it was 50/50 at best for her survival of the surgery. She also said the recovery would be long and painful for her. So, we made the call no one wants to make. We stayed with Dixie til the end, and it was very peaceful.

Run free, sweet Dixie, and say hi to Rosie for me.

My sweet Dixie girl is gone.

Yesterday morning she started throwing up grass. Not unlike her. She didn't eat breakfast, which is very unlike her. She was still sick, then she threw up a decent chunk of a rope pull toy, so we thought that was perhaps it. She didn't eat dinner, and was vomiting more through the evening, and she was clearly miserable all night, waking us up frequently to take her outside.

We called our vet at 8 am and had her scheduled for 11. Dixie couldn't even get up to walk to the car, we carried her in a blanket. The vet came out to the car to meet us, and she felt a mass in Dixie's abdomen. She said it was either an obstruction or cancer. She could have done exploratory surgery, as x-rays won't show soft obstructions like socks, but she said at Dixie's age it was 50/50 at best for her survival of the surgery. She also said the recovery would be long and painful for her. So, we made the call no one wants to make. We stayed with Dixie til the end, and it was very peaceful.

Run free, sweet Dixie, and say hi to Rosie for me.

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I'm sorry, man. :(. Much mojo.
My sweet Dixie girl is gone.

Yesterday morning she started throwing up grass. Not unlike her. She didn't eat breakfast, which is very unlike her. She was still sick, then she threw up a decent chunk of a rope pull toy, so we thought that was perhaps it. She didn't eat dinner, and was vomiting more through the evening, and she was clearly miserable all night, waking us up frequently to take her outside.

We called our vet at 8 am and had her scheduled for 11. Dixie couldn't even get up to walk to the car, we carried her in a blanket. The vet came out to the car to meet us, and she felt a mass in Dixie's abdomen. She said it was either an obstruction or cancer. She could have done exploratory surgery, as x-rays won't show soft obstructions like socks, but she said at Dixie's age it was 50/50 at best for her survival of the surgery. She also said the recovery would be long and painful for her. So, we made the call no one wants to make. We stayed with Dixie til the end, and it was very peaceful.

Run free, sweet Dixie, and say hi to Rosie for me.

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Mojo and very sorry. Dixie looked like a sweet girl!