Pets of Wein

I caught my first tube today, sir.


Clover begs for snacks while blocking the television.
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Shithead flew into a kitchen cupboard when no one was looking and got shut in.
Yet, not a peep out him for about 30 minutes while we looked for him, called, whistled, everything.

He gave himself away when the bowls he was sitting in shifted and made a noise.
Even then, he wanted to stay in there.

When we first got her she looked like a pup at all times.

Then there'd be the odd day / lighting / angle where she looked older

Now there's definitely more days we look at Lola and think she looks older vs she looks like a pup. It's kind of sad, she's not ancient by any means but time marches on and she won't be our little weird tiny rescue shepherd forever :cry:

We're on holiday in the borders and she's having the best time simultaneously guarding us and hiding from all of the nature outside. :bigg:

Sidenote, I've spent hundreds on various different balls, fancy ones, cheap ones. The only one she's not burst is a fancy massive Kong one that cost me £30 and she won't touch it THAT thing in the photo is a cheap kickabout we found at her favourite spot near us. After a week of leaving it there I took it home and she adores it almost as much as her red frisbee. Somehow she's not managed to burst it either.
When we first got her she looked like a pup at all times.

Then there'd be the odd day / lighting / angle where she looked older

Now there's definitely more days we look at Lola and think she looks older vs she looks like a pup. It's kind of sad, she's not ancient by any means but time marches on and she won't be our little weird tiny rescue shepherd forever :cry:

We're on holiday in the borders and she's having the best time simultaneously guarding us and hiding from all of the nature outside. :bigg:

Sidenote, I've spent hundreds on various different balls, fancy ones, cheap ones. The only one she's not burst is a fancy massive Kong one that cost me £30 and she won't touch it THAT thing in the photo is a cheap kickabout we found at her favourite spot near us. After a week of leaving it there I took it home and she adores it almost as much as her red frisbee. Somehow she's not managed to burst it either.
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One of our dogs when I was growing up wouldn’t really play with any toys we bought, his favorite was the cardboard tube inside of paper towel rolls
One of our dogs when I was growing up wouldn’t really play with any toys we bought, his favorite was the cardboard tube inside of paper towel rolls

I bought a bunch of toys the day we brought her home and she showed no interest (it was almost like she didn't know what to do with them)

She loves her frisbee my mother in law brought her. We bought a literally identical one for trading during training but she knows the difference.

It's really sweet, it's like the first toy she's ever realised was hers. It'll be with her when she moves on, where or whenever that may be.

She also is just demented about this scabby ball that she seems incapable of bursting.
All the beaches around here are shingle so we googled then drove an hour to the nearest sand beach, which wasn't sand at all.

She didn't care and ran around daft with her scabby ball. I took shots on my Nikon I'll edit down but this is my crappy phone camera.

If I ever wind down the DJing I'm going to get us a little place near a beach we can spend the weekends with her running around.

There were tonnes of dogs in the walk and she didn't react to any of them. At one point we split from Mrs JBJ as she couldn't deal with scrambling over the rocks on the beach. W
That would usually trigger massive anxiety but we were sat waiting for her to get back to us when this old dude and his dog rocked up.

He asked to approach which was nice and I told him she was ok with people but not so much dogs.

He came over calmly keeping his dog in tow and it was the nicest thing, we had a chat and Lola and the dog sniffed around each other for ages. Even when Mrs JBJ turned up she was nice and calm.

When we first got her she looked like a pup at all times.

Then there'd be the odd day / lighting / angle where she looked older

Now there's definitely more days we look at Lola and think she looks older vs she looks like a pup. It's kind of sad, she's not ancient by any means but time marches on and she won't be our little weird tiny rescue shepherd forever :cry:

We're on holiday in the borders and she's having the best time simultaneously guarding us and hiding from all of the nature outside. :bigg:

Sidenote, I've spent hundreds on various different balls, fancy ones, cheap ones. The only one she's not burst is a fancy massive Kong one that cost me £30 and she won't touch it THAT thing in the photo is a cheap kickabout we found at her favourite spot near us. After a week of leaving it there I took it home and she adores it almost as much as her red frisbee. Somehow she's not managed to burst it either.
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She might dig a jolly ball - they're super durable and come in sizes big enough that the dog can't fit their jaws around it (so playing with it is kinda herding it around with nose/mouth and there's no chance of bursting it)
Kiira has been a bit deprived of dog interaction as we don't allow her to meet other dogs she doesn't know on leash for the moment, as it just seems to elevate her excitement craziness around other dogs on leash. And since it's summer holiday and scorchy weather here, every time we've taken her to the dog park the last few weeks (which is across the street from my studio, so quite often) there were no other dogs.

But today she totally had her fill. I mentioned somewhere when we just had her we by total coincidence ran into a shelter buddy of hers that moved to Finland on exactly the same day. The owner of that dog is in our extended work/friends network (art & culture, work and friends is always a blend), and now the GF is doing a project where the other owner is involved as well. So today for a meeting they had a lovely day in and around the GF's studio. Here's both settling down after going apeshit at playing for an hour :')


And very proud of her of Taiga being allowed to sit near/on her toy without issue. The only thing Kiira is actually possessive of is water for some reason :messedup:
That's awesome.

I'm not sure if it's resource guarding as she doesn't growl or get her hackles up but she 100% does not like giving her ball away when we're out here playing with it. She's learnt to leave it most of the time now but if she can keep it away from you, she will.
There's a dog across the way that has attacked Lola and numerous other dogs in the street.

Her and Lola have just got into it and I think Lola's broke the other dogs wrist. :headsmash:

The old woman is away to the vet so we'll see what the score is in a bit.

Obviously we'll pay for any treatment but this woman sat and watched her dog off the lead attack Lola last year and does nothing when it's barking and lunging at any dog or person in the street, it's hurt other dogs and she's refused to pay for the vet bills so I'm in half a mind to tell her to fuck off.
There's a dog across the way that has attacked Lola and numerous other dogs in the street.

Her and Lola have just got into it and I think Lola's broke the other dogs wrist. :headsmash:

The old woman is away to the vet so we'll see what the score is in a bit.

Obviously we'll pay for any treatment but this woman sat and watched her dog off the lead attack Lola last year and does nothing when it's barking and lunging at any dog or person in the street, it's hurt other dogs and she's refused to pay for the vet bills so I'm in half a mind to tell her to fuck off.
Just tell her you pay her vet bill the moment she's paid for the vet bill of the other dogs her dog has hurt...

Also, I don't know the rules around there, but here if an unleashed dog gets into a scuffle with a leashed dog, it's on the unleashed dog's owner, no matter which party ends up hurt.
There's a dog across the way that has attacked Lola and numerous other dogs in the street.

Her and Lola have just got into it and I think Lola's broke the other dogs wrist. :headsmash:

The old woman is away to the vet so we'll see what the score is in a bit.

Obviously we'll pay for any treatment but this woman sat and watched her dog off the lead attack Lola last year and does nothing when it's barking and lunging at any dog or person in the street, it's hurt other dogs and she's refused to pay for the vet bills so I'm in half a mind to tell her to fuck off.

Sounds to me like a fuck off may be in order.
That's awesome.

I'm not sure if it's resource guarding as she doesn't growl or get her hackles up but she 100% does not like giving her ball away when we're out here playing with it. She's learnt to leave it most of the time now but if she can keep it away from you, she will.

Might be just a game. Kiira loves wrestling for toys. She's not protecting them, she just enjoys shit like putting it down in front of us and yoinking it away right when we almost have it. Or just making us work a bit before giving it over.
There's a dog across the way that has attacked Lola and numerous other dogs in the street.

Her and Lola have just got into it and I think Lola's broke the other dogs wrist. :headsmash:

The old woman is away to the vet so we'll see what the score is in a bit.

Obviously we'll pay for any treatment but this woman sat and watched her dog off the lead attack Lola last year and does nothing when it's barking and lunging at any dog or person in the street, it's hurt other dogs and she's refused to pay for the vet bills so I'm in half a mind to tell her to fuck off.
is this other dog off leash and roaming freea lot? Over here we have leash laws and I'm sure you do too. Perhaps you should call animal control and let them know what's happening.
Just tell her you pay her vet bill the moment she's paid for the vet bill of the other dogs her dog has hurt...

Also, I don't know the rules around there, but here if an unleashed dog gets into a scuffle with a leashed dog, it's on the unleashed dog's owner, no matter which party ends up hurt.

They were both leashed this time. She usually just let's it out in her communal yard and it escaped one night and ran 59 yards to attack Lola.

She sat at her door watching it happen and done absolutely nothing then had the cheek to mention how I'd shouted at her to get her dog under control.
Just spoke to Mrs JBJ who is the more level headed of us in these situations. Her thoughts are the woman didn't even come and ask if Lola was ok when she was bit last year so she should go and fuck herself.