Pets of Wein

They were both leashed this time. She usually just let's it out in her communal yard and it escaped one night and ran 59 yards to attack Lola.

She sat at her door watching it happen and done absolutely nothing then had the cheek to mention how I'd shouted at her to get her dog under control.
How did they get close to each other when they're both leashed? Did she just let go or something?
They were both leashed this time. She usually just let's it out in her communal yard and it escaped one night and ran 59 yards to attack Lola.

She sat at her door watching it happen and done absolutely nothing then had the cheek to mention how I'd shouted at her to get her dog under control.

Not sure what the animal control laws are like in your area, but I'd report here dog as soon as possible. A lot of places around here will require that an aggressive dog be put down, and it comes down to who reports it first in situations like that. I don't wish ill upon her dog, since it's the fault of the owner, but I'd hate to see Lola pay for an issue she didn't start.
Not sure what the animal control laws are like in your area, but I'd report here dog as soon as possible. A lot of places around here will require that an aggressive dog be put down, and it comes down to who reports it first in situations like that. I don't wish ill upon her dog, since it's the fault of the owner, but I'd hate to see Lola pay for an issue she didn't start.
In most western European countries the bar for a dog to be put down for aggression is really high. I don't know about Scotland specifically, but in pretty much no country I know of your dog is in danger because of one scuffle with another dog. An event like this will probably lead to nothing if reported (unless part of a pattern), or if it leads to something it'll at worst be a fine and maybe some mandatory behavioural training. Here in Finland even repeated incidents will have no consequence for the animal other than possibly being taken away from the owner for reeducation and rehoming if the situation requires it.
Not sure what the animal control laws are like in your area, but I'd report here dog as soon as possible. A lot of places around here will require that an aggressive dog be put down, and it comes down to who reports it first in situations like that. I don't wish ill upon her dog, since it's the fault of the owner, but I'd hate to see Lola pay for an issue she didn't start.

I don't think they would order something like that in the first instance but there's enough people I could get to back me up that her dog is aggressive to people and dogs / has bitten other dogs before etc...

I've calmed down a bit now, I'll wait until Mrs JBJ gets home then go over and see what the vet had to say. I hate the idea of that dog being hurt but the woman by her own admission can't control it and does nothing to train or mitigate it's negative behaviours. Obviously this isn't a great look for Lola but we put everything we can into settling her down over the past 2 years, she absolutely loves adult company now and unless a dog sets her off or gets in her space, she's generally not reactive to them now either.
Turns out there's been more issues with this dog when I've been at work but Mrs JBJ hasn't mentioned it so I didn't confront the old woman.

Going to head over after dinner and see how she got on at the vet.
The beast with my new, 10 week old granddaughter. Did I tell you guys I'm a grandpa now?

View attachment 75846

Congratulations. That's a great photo.

Just spoke to the womans neighbour while I was out with Lola and the scaffolders doing work on their flats had already told her about it as she has a dog and told her it was the other dog that started it.

Going over to speak to the lady now. Hopefully a reasonable conversation.
Me: "sorry for coming to the door, I just wanted to see how the dog is."

Her: "he needs an operation and isn't eating or drinking and just moping around."

Me: "well to be fair Lola was acting exactly the same when your dog attacked and bit her last year but you never even had the decency to check in on her"

And it went downhill from there.

On the upside she can shove the vet bill up her arse and I don't feel a single bit of guilt about it.

Totally lied about what happened earlier today (don't worry I'll get the worky tomorrow to confirm her dog started it) then claimed her dog has never attacked Lola.

I'm like "I've never spoke to you before then out of the blue on Monday I was putting my golf clubs away and you came out and had a go at me for shouting at you when your dog attacked Lola"

"No I didn't"

Ummm ok

She's either losing the plot or sly as fuck.
I had a friend that lived just outside my neighborhood when I was in 7th and 8th grade. I would skateboard over to his house daily. On the way there I would pass by a run down house with a huge Doberman that would always bark and be really aggressive. It would also run up and down the fence barking while we were waiting for the bus to school.
One day on the way home from my friends house I noticed the gate was open and this Doberman comes running full tilt after me. I skated as hard as I could and it caught up and laid into the back of my leg. We called the police. When they arrived, the owner tried to tell them that me and my friends stole his lawnmower and that's why the dog bit me. Then the dog got away from its owner and attacked the police officer and that was the end of that. True story.
I had a friend that lived just outside my neighborhood when I was in 7th and 8th grade. I would skateboard over to his house daily. On the way there I would pass by a run down house with a huge Doberman that would always bark and be really aggressive. It would also run up and down the fence barking while we were waiting for the bus to school.
One day on the way home from my friends house I noticed the gate was open and this Doberman comes running full tilt after me. I skated as hard as I could and it caught up and laid into the back of my leg. We called the police. When they arrived, the owner tried to tell them that me and my friends stole his lawnmower and that's why the dog bit me. Then the dog got away from its owner and attacked the police officer and that was the end of that. True story.

The only reason she was actually out walking the dog is because there's work getting done on their flats.

She usually just let's it wander around their small communal garden. It's some sort of Staffie so a. Needs more exercise and b, it's no wonder it's aggressive/ pent up.

Seen them coming back from the vets a few hours ago so the operation has been done. My attempt to engage didn't work out last night so the ball is in their court wether her or her son want to chap our door.
I'm visiting family on Belfast for a few days. Went for a few drinks with a pal last night and got talking about our dogs. He tried to convince me to take his sister's dog home as she's looking to get rid of it but I stood firm, though I may have put a slight bit of drunken thought into it. :grin:

I've been a bit worried that the nutjob across the road would send her son over while I was away but Mrs JBJ says no one has been so hopefully that's the end of the drama and she'll maybe consider getting the dog re-homed with someone who can give it the proper care and training it needs.