Pets of Wein

When we got her and Savi as a bonded pair from the German shepherd rescue they had named them Leila and Savi while they were there. I believe they mean “light” and “dark” or something similar in Persian. We just never renamed them.
That was the same with Sonny basically. When I got him he had been found with his sister and someone had already adopted the two together but it was some grad student who returned both because she said it was too much trying to do her studies. Then Sonny's sister got adopted out and Sonny was by himself when i got him but they told me his sister was named Cher. I liked the story background on the name and the name itself so I juts kept it. In fact when I had Callie she was already named and I liked that as well and she already knew the name so i stuck with it.
That was the same with Sonny basically. When I got him he had been found with his sister and someone had already adopted the two together but it was some grad student who returned both because she said it was too much trying to do her studies. Then Sonny's sister got adopted out and Sonny was by himself when i got him but they told me his sister was named Cher. I liked the story background on the name and the name itself so I juts kept it. In fact when I had Callie she was already named and I liked that as well and she already knew the name so i stuck with it.

Autumn's real name is Phoenix.
Per @DdBob 's recommendation, we ordered Kiira a Ruffwear front-range harness. Her current harness (that we got from the rescue organisation) is obviously a very good harness, but it just doesn't really seem to fit her body type all that well. It wiggles around her shoulders in a way that doesn't seem all that comfortable, and the back strap has a less than ideal fit around her waist. It's not bad and she doesn't mind putting it on most of the time, but we think something else with more padding and a broader pad over the shoulders might be a lot more comfortable for her. Let's see if the Ruffwear harness works better.
Per @DdBob 's recommendation, we ordered Kiira a Ruffwear front-range harness. Her current harness (that we got from the rescue organisation) is obviously a very good harness, but it just doesn't really seem to fit her body type all that well. It wiggles around her shoulders in a way that doesn't seem all that comfortable, and the back strap has a less than ideal fit around her waist. It's not bad and she doesn't mind putting it on most of the time, but we think something else with more padding and a broader pad over the shoulders might be a lot more comfortable for her. Let's see if the Ruffwear harness works better.
Post what you think when she wears it. I used the same on Callie if you remember her and she had a completely different body. I always leave them a bit loose too so they will shift around because I know I personally prefer looser rather than tighter clothing so i feel like a dog would as well. The initial fitting adjust ment takes a bit but once done that's it and it goes on and off effortlessly.

*edit* btw I got the "front range" model but I also have one of the backpacks harnesses and it's good too*
Post what you think when she wears it. I used the same on Callie if you remember her and she had a completely different body. I always leave them a bit loose too so they will shift around because I know I personally prefer looser rather than tighter clothing so i feel like a dog would as well. The initial fitting adjust ment takes a bit but once done that's it and it goes on and off effortlessly.

*edit* btw I got the "front range" model but I also have one of the backpacks harnesses and it's good too*

I'll let you know! And we're planning on getting one of the backpack ones as well when the weather turns better and hiking is a pleasant experience again. Our dream is to get her to accept camping out so we can take her on multi-day hikes :)
I'll let you know! And we're planning on getting one of the backpack ones as well when the weather turns better and hiking is a pleasant experience again. Our dream is to get her to accept camping out so we can take her on multi-day hikes :)
I'm sure she'll love the outdoors. I think most dogs do and especially the "working/sport " dog types. I would be shocked if she didn't go nuts for the camping and outdoor adventures.
Also, just because posting in this threat too long without pictures is a crime:

Working in the GF's studio today as she's in Tallinn anyway and my studiomate has some rough deadlines:
I'm sure she'll love the outdoors. I think most dogs do and especially the "working/sport " dog types. I would be shocked if she didn't go nuts for the camping and outdoor adventures.

Yeah we already took her to what in most countries goes for a forest, but is called a park here, and she absolutely loved it. The biggest worry is if she will go too crazy :wink:
Holy shiiiit, I'm one proud dog daddy at the moment.

Just took Kiira for a walk, we got ambushed around a corner by someone walking their cat on a leash (don' task, I also don't know wtf the deal is with that, but not my problem)

Less than a month ago this would have been an absolute disaster, pulling, barking, lunging, and at least half an hour to console her.

She took a look at it, looked at me, I told her it's ok, we're just going to keep going. She passed the cat at 1.5 meters, and just carried on, loose leash, no treats involved :eek:

I sometimes can't believe this beautiful lovely smart lady spent half her life in a shelter and only spent a month and a half with us :messedup:
Lola is a grass.

Fired up the Weber yesterday. She was getting some sausages but the wait was clearly too much so I slipped her a little peri peri chicken thigh to keep her chilled at which point she quickly ran into the house to show Mrs JBJ her score.

Much moaning about giving her stuff with bones ensued.