Pets of Wein

Me: Guess what day it is?
Rocky: No! It’s not.
Me: Oh yes buddy!
Rocky: No! I’ll run! It’s not BATH DAY!
our dog is like that...we have to trap her on bath days since somehow she seems to know and won't go outside. Once trapped she's resigned to the fact that she is getting a bath and is only happy after since she knows she gets 2 high value treats for the ordeal :grin:
View attachment 73753 Me: Guess what day it is?
Rocky: No! It’s not.
Me: Oh yes buddy!
Rocky: No! I’ll run! It’s not BATH DAY!
View attachment 73749 View attachment 73751
Sonny I just take out and tie him to the table out back and then generally have to hold his collar and wash and rinse him one handed, it kills my back so I usually only give him three to four baths a year because he doesn't stink or anything.
The little chihuahua I just put in the kitchen's so damn easy with her.
We had some trouble with Kiira behaving like a total cunt for a bit. We had a performance, asked a neighbour who already watched her before (they both love her and she loves them, every time we meet them in the hallway or street there's wiggle waggles all over the place) and when the neighbour went to pick her up half an hour after we left and wanted to put on the harness, Kiira just got super angry. So the neighbour just left her and went to check and sit with her a bit every once in a while until we got back.

We were really surprised, cause as much as it's noticeable she spent a big part of her life in a shelter, she displayed absolutely no malice or aggressive behaviour whatsoever with anyone before. The only bitey behaviour has been playbites, which, while at times wayyyy too rowdy, have never been problematic. She also got pissed off at us trying to take after our harness after taking her for a walk after we got back. This was Friday night. We kinda suspected something might be bothering her, but not immediate enough to pay over the top shit for an emergency visit to the vet. The whole weekend she's very on edge and pissed off, but manageable, so we decided to wait until Monday. Sunday afternoon she's scratching herself like a madman, and we spot some black little fuckers running over her in disappearing into her fur. Probably the poor girl had fleas :( AFAIK she's been preemptively treated for them at the shelter, so no idea where or how she picked them up, but whatever. Took her to the vet Monday morning, got her anti-flea stuff (the good shit you can only get by prescription here), next day she was completely back to her normal self again.

Other than that, we're still trying to figure out her food a bit. She had diarrhea for a while after moving in, but that's normal from all the stress etc, but it didn't get much less. On advice from the vet we put her on some fancyschmancy food for a bit, which helped, but worked out perfect with her normal food. Then we slowly transferred to her normal food and it got a bit worse again. So now we're trying another combo, as what the vet advised is probably great stuff, but also costs an arm and a leg. (and to be clear, we were by no means feeding her cheap crap to begin with), so let's see if it helps.

She also pulled her first "escape" on me on Saturday evening, we left her alone for a few hours to go to a party (1st of May is HUGE here), I went home early to not leave her alone too long (she's excellent at being home alone, but 4 hours is definitely what we want to keep as the absolute max), and decided the dog park was a good idea. There's a general leash order in the city, but a ton of fenced of dog parks where dogs can walk free. I went to one she hasn't been before, it's nice with trees, and whatnot. But there's a path sort of above it, and one massive design flaw that's not immediately apparent where Kiira can just hop onto a rock and make an easy leap underneath a half assed barrier and be free :facepalm: It's one of those things that's not that obvious on first sight, but once you see it happen, it's just painfully shitty thinking by whoever planned this. Anyhoot, happy to report, she at no point even tried to be beyond line of sight of me, and came to me when I called in between bouts of running after random dogs and people, and after a while I got the leash on her. Safe to say we're not going there again :embarrassed:

Overall, it's a great experience, and especially considering she's a rescue dog, her behaviour is absolutely stellar. She learns super quick, she has some annoying thingies that we need to work on slowly (like randomly going absolutely apeshit over people wearing high-vis vests/clothing), not so much because we find them annoying (though at times they can be), but mostly because it seems to stress her out. Considering she's been with us only a bit over a month now, it's going amazingly well though. She even developed a habit of telling us when she wants something, like going out or new water or whatever, by walking over and booping our legs without any active training in that regard whatsoever. The only thing that's probably going to be impossible to get rid of is the insane amount of distress caused by one of us popping into a shop for a bit when were out with the 3 of us. She's fine if one of us leaves the house, she's fine with leaving the house with one of us, but when we're out with the 3 of us, it's non-negotiable that we stay together.

Working in my studio:

Seaside walk:

Playing at home (she loves to do this "dance" with me):

Playing with her favourite toy:

Btw, I don't know if they ship internationally, but the travel bowls in the studio pic are the best purchase ever:
That's how it starts and next thing you know you'll be cooking for them...ask me how I know :embarrassed:

So far we've managed to keep a very strict policy and the begging was gone within a week :embarrassed: When cooking she does however always wants to be in the kitchen just in case, she doesn't beg, just flops down on the floor and every packaging that makes a sound or smell interesting to her gets a "well well well" look :embarrassed:

The most hilarious thing is, after the morning walk I measure her food and put it in bucket for the day, then she gets her breakfast. While I'm doing that nowadays I get extremely careful boops against my leg, and when I then get her foodbowl out of the cupboard she starts rotating like madlad :embarrassed:
We have a mutt on our hands.
We paid $80 to find out which breeds make up our beloved pooch. They also let you know if your pet has any inherited genetic health conditions.

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We had some trouble with Kiira behaving like a total cunt for a bit. We had a performance, asked a neighbour who already watched her before (they both love her and she loves them, every time we meet them in the hallway or street there's wiggle waggles all over the place) and when the neighbour went to pick her up half an hour after we left and wanted to put on the harness, Kiira just got super angry. So the neighbour just left her and went to check and sit with her a bit every once in a while until we got back.

We were really surprised, cause as much as it's noticeable she spent a big part of her life in a shelter, she displayed absolutely no malice or aggressive behaviour whatsoever with anyone before. The only bitey behaviour has been playbites, which, while at times wayyyy too rowdy, have never been problematic. She also got pissed off at us trying to take after our harness after taking her for a walk after we got back. This was Friday night. We kinda suspected something might be bothering her, but not immediate enough to pay over the top shit for an emergency visit to the vet. The whole weekend she's very on edge and pissed off, but manageable, so we decided to wait until Monday. Sunday afternoon she's scratching herself like a madman, and we spot some black little fuckers running over her in disappearing into her fur. Probably the poor girl had fleas :( AFAIK she's been preemptively treated for them at the shelter, so no idea where or how she picked them up, but whatever. Took her to the vet Monday morning, got her anti-flea stuff (the good shit you can only get by prescription here), next day she was completely back to her normal self again.

Other than that, we're still trying to figure out her food a bit. She had diarrhea for a while after moving in, but that's normal from all the stress etc, but it didn't get much less. On advice from the vet we put her on some fancyschmancy food for a bit, which helped, but worked out perfect with her normal food. Then we slowly transferred to her normal food and it got a bit worse again. So now we're trying another combo, as what the vet advised is probably great stuff, but also costs an arm and a leg. (and to be clear, we were by no means feeding her cheap crap to begin with), so let's see if it helps.

She also pulled her first "escape" on me on Saturday evening, we left her alone for a few hours to go to a party (1st of May is HUGE here), I went home early to not leave her alone too long (she's excellent at being home alone, but 4 hours is definitely what we want to keep as the absolute max), and decided the dog park was a good idea. There's a general leash order in the city, but a ton of fenced of dog parks where dogs can walk free. I went to one she hasn't been before, it's nice with trees, and whatnot. But there's a path sort of above it, and one massive design flaw that's not immediately apparent where Kiira can just hop onto a rock and make an easy leap underneath a half assed barrier and be free :facepalm: It's one of those things that's not that obvious on first sight, but once you see it happen, it's just painfully shitty thinking by whoever planned this. Anyhoot, happy to report, she at no point even tried to be beyond line of sight of me, and came to me when I called in between bouts of running after random dogs and people, and after a while I got the leash on her. Safe to say we're not going there again :embarrassed:

Overall, it's a great experience, and especially considering she's a rescue dog, her behaviour is absolutely stellar. She learns super quick, she has some annoying thingies that we need to work on slowly (like randomly going absolutely apeshit over people wearing high-vis vests/clothing), not so much because we find them annoying (though at times they can be), but mostly because it seems to stress her out. Considering she's been with us only a bit over a month now, it's going amazingly well though. She even developed a habit of telling us when she wants something, like going out or new water or whatever, by walking over and booping our legs without any active training in that regard whatsoever. The only thing that's probably going to be impossible to get rid of is the insane amount of distress caused by one of us popping into a shop for a bit when were out with the 3 of us. She's fine if one of us leaves the house, she's fine with leaving the house with one of us, but when we're out with the 3 of us, it's non-negotiable that we stay together.

Working in my studio:

Seaside walk:

Playing at home (she loves to do this "dance" with me):

Playing with her favourite toy:

Btw, I don't know if they ship internationally, but the travel bowls in the studio pic are the best purchase ever:
just remember dogs all have their own weirdo quirks just like every human does. As for diahrrea the best thing is to avoid food for a day and/ or just feed plain boiled white rice , maybe plain chicken the next day. Pumpkin (not the canned sweet stuff but regular pumpkin or pumpkin powder stuff they sell for dogs is good for upset stomachs too.
just remember dogs all have their own weirdo quirks just like every human does. As for diahrrea the best thing is to avoid food for a day and/ or just feed plain boiled white rice , maybe plain chicken the next day. Pumpkin (not the canned sweet stuff but regular pumpkin or pumpkin powder stuff they sell for dogs is good for upset stomachs too.

Well, we knew she tested positive but was asymptomatic for giardia before she came, so the first couple of weeks here she had her digestion tract nuked with some prescribed tablets and shit. Combined with the stress of moving, the diarrhea was never going to be fixed in a few days. It has its ups and downs, but we think we're nearly at a food pattern that gets her comfy. And we suspect chicken might actually upset her stomach. It's mostly just about figuring out what does and doesn't fly well with her over longer periods rather than fixing an immediate problem. The problematic diarrhea is gone, but it's still a bit so so, so we're just trying out stuff for a few days at a time to see what works for her and eliminate things that don't sit well with her.
Just out of curiosity how'd you come up with the name Leila ? I know it's not common at all because my mom's name was Leila and everyone always thought it was leela ....nope Leila.
When we got her and Savi as a bonded pair from the German shepherd rescue they had named them Leila and Savi while they were there. I believe they mean “light” and “dark” or something similar in Persian. We just never renamed them.
When we got her and Savi as a bonded pair from the German shepherd rescue they had named them Leila and Savi while they were there. I believe they mean “light” and “dark” or something similar in Persian. We just never renamed them.

AFAIK Leila (or Layla/whatever variety of spelling) is a very old name signifying the night in hebrew, arabic and farsi.

Incidentally there's also a sami version of the name that means holy.
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