Pets of Wein

Lola working the bar.

Picked up our rescue dog yesterday! Meet Kiira.

So far, mostly positive surprises. She seems housetrained (which we didn't expect), she has no interest in chewing or destroying random stuff around the house. She knows a bunch of commands already, though obviously after having been in the shelter for a while and being at least part husky (and quite possibly other stubborn spitz-type breeds), obedience is a bit spotty. She plays a bit too rough, so we have to work on that, she still has a bit of playbiting that will have to go. She's not reactive at all, she completely ignores most dogs and humans. The only thing that set her off a bit so far was a hare suddenly jumping out of a bush near the front door and some tiny yappy terrier that obviously wanted to play, but since she's kinda wild and we don't really know her that well yet we didn't allow it. She behaved well overnight. Only "problem" is that she crazy smart and knows how to open doors. So far, apart from the first 2 hours at home she uses her ability to threaten opening doors mostly and then see how we respond before she actually opens them, but I guess we have to put a hook on the kitchen door for when we have to go out.

Obviously, she's a rescue, requires plenty of work, but so far, we expected a lot worse.

Putting on her collar is no problem, putting on the harness still requires a bit of bribery (I think she's never wore one of those till yesterday).




Awesome looking dog is she going to grow much or is that her?

She's 1.5 years old now, so this should be about her size. She's probably going to buff up a bit when she's over the shelter and relocation stress though. She's about 45cm tall, perfect size for our apartment :grin:

She looks so epic indeed, like a tiny wild wolf. The pictures don't show it much, but her one eye is this super icy blue, really makes her look like a wild beast.
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Picked up our rescue dog yesterday! Meet Kiira.

So far, mostly positive surprises. She seems housetrained (which we didn't expect), she has no interest in chewing or destroying random stuff around the house. She knows a bunch of commands already, though obviously after having been in the shelter for a while and being at least part husky (and quite possibly other stubborn spitz-type breeds), obedience is a bit spotty. She plays a bit too rough, so we have to work on that, she still has a bit of playbiting that will have to go. She's not reactive at all, she completely ignores most dogs and humans. The only thing that set her off a bit so far was a hare suddenly jumping out of a bush near the front door and some tiny yappy terrier that obviously wanted to play, but since she's kinda wild and we don't really know her that well yet we didn't allow it. She behaved well overnight. Only "problem" is that she crazy smart and knows how to open doors. So far, apart from the first 2 hours at home she uses her ability to threaten opening doors mostly and then see how we respond before she actually opens them, but I guess we have to put a hook on the kitchen door for when we have to go out.

Obviously, she's a rescue, requires plenty of work, but so far, we expected a lot worse.

Putting on her collar is no problem, putting on the harness still requires a bit of bribery (I think she's never wore one of those till yesterday).




Hello Kiira !

Good pooch! FWIW both Sonny and the work dog Brownie (pit mix) play bite. At first I was like "yeah that's gotta go" because none of my previous dogs ever did it but now I'm like "it is what it is" (I actually like it) and they only do it to me so I take it as affection.
Second pic is great, she's lilke "yep, I'm the boss here wit it" :embarrassed:
Oh and Rabbits are Sonny's nemesis as well. He doesn't seem to mind cats. He hates birds......and Lizards. My previous dog hated cats but didn't bother with anything else. Dog before that didn't like cats either b ut was ok with other things. Brownie the work dog doesn't mind anything but hates the UPS truck and the mailman.
Hello Kiira !

Good pooch! FWIW both Sonny and the work dog Brownie (pit mix) play bite. At first I was like "yeah that's gotta go" because none of my previous dogs ever did it but now I'm like "it is what it is" (I actually like it) and they only do it to me so I take it as affection.
Second pic is great, she's lilke "yep, I'm the boss here wit it" :embarrassed:
Oh and Rabbits are Sonny's nemesis as well. He doesn't seem to mind cats. He hates birds......and Lizards. My previous dog hated cats but didn't bother with anything else. Dog before that didn't like cats either b ut was ok with other things. Brownie the work dog doesn't mind anything but hates the UPS truck and the mailman.

Yeah we already decided beforehand that jumping on the furniture was not something we care about enough to bother stopping it. I don't particularly mind the playbiting, but since she also plays very wild it gets a bit too crazy. I wouldn't care if she just chewed on my wrist a bit, but sometimes she just gets too carried away and starts jumping around chewing at us with limited control over what ends up on the chewing block :embarrassed:

She also started to bark and howl at sounds from the stairway, so that's number one priority to deal with now.
Yeah we already decided beforehand that jumping on the furniture was not something we care about enough to bother stopping it. I don't particularly mind the playbiting, but since she also plays very wild it gets a bit too crazy. I wouldn't care if she just chewed on my wrist a bit, but sometimes she just gets too carried away and starts jumping around chewing at us with limited control over what ends up on the chewing block :embarrassed:

She also started to bark and howl at sounds from the stairway, so that's number one priority to deal with now.
The first dog I had of my own I refused to let him on the furniture until toward the end after I knew he was getting on the sofa when I was gone but he was sneaky about it and never tried when I was home :embarrassed: In retrospect I wish I had allowed him on the bed. I absolutely love sleeping with a dog (nothing weird mind you :embarrassed: :cop:) but it's just awesome.
The first dog I had of my own I refused to let him on the furniture until toward the end after I knew he was getting on the sofa when I was gone but he was sneaky about it and never tried when I was home :embarrassed: In retrospect I wish I had allowed him on the bed. I absolutely love sleeping with a dog (nothing weird mind you :embarrassed: :cop:) but it's just awesome.

It's cosy, but we have a small bed since we sleep close together anyway, so now with 3 it gets a bit cramped :embarrassed:
If we ever get another dog, my wife wants an Australian Shepherd.... and I will make sure it's one with heterochromia. I think it looks so fucking cool :baimun:

An ex colleague had an Oz Shepherd and it was the best looking dog
If we ever get another dog, my wife wants an Australian Shepherd.... and I will make sure it's one with heterochromia. I think it looks so fucking cool :baimun:
We want an Australian Shepherd so bad! My 16 year old is obsessed with them. I told them all (my 3 kids) I am not going to be the only one walking and bathing it. Also, they're a bit pricey near me.


Kiira is settling in really well. Last week we had to set up our solo exhibition in a gallery in the centre, she tagged along the entire week. She behaved way above expectations. We just took her along the first day to see how it would go, she got along just fine with the gallery staff, didn't mind us drilling in walks and just doing our work and just chilled and sometimes had a little look around to see what everyone was up to. At home she basically just wants to hang where we are. We planned on having the kitchen off limits, but since she can open doors and gets extremely disgruntled if she can't have a look, that's out of the picture. But she's not much of a scavenger, so it's fine. When we're cooking, she just comes in and parks on the floor somewhere in the kitchen and checks us out. We dropped something a few times, she's not really into going for it unless we leave it there for ages.

In the beginning she made our dinners horrible with her begging and trying to climb up our backs etc, but by now she seems to realise she'll get her food and being a dick gets her nothing, so she just lays down on her blanket and observes.

We've also started leaving her alone for half an hour at a time, we put a webcam and my laptop to see what she's up to, she doesn't seem particularly phased. She has a hopeful wait at the door for a minute and then just checks out the house, and goes about her business after.
Aussies are great dogs, very intelligent and super dedicated to their owners, but they are very energetic.
If you get one be prepared to spend a LOT of time.
They absolutely need a job to do so defiantly get them obedience trained and figure out some tasks for them.
Otherwise they will be neurotic and destructive. Raising one to be a house/city dog will be a real challenge.
I had an English Shepard, a very similar breed to an Aussie, growing up. But she lived outdoors and roamed freely about the farm.
She was in her element heeling cows and treeing squirrels, both very natural instincts. So about all the training she ever got was "get em", "whoah", "sit", and "shake".