Pets of Wein

We sent our confirmation about adopting the beautiful lady in the picture this morning!

We've been thinking about getting a dog for ages, now our life situation allows it and some good options came along at the adoption organisations we were looking at. Super excited to meet her in real life! If nothing goes wrong she should be here in about a month. I'm sure there will be plenty of struggles and whatnot, but I expect plenty of good times to make up for those as well.


Awesome and great looking doggie. Best wishes for everything going as planned !
We've been looking for a pug. Our first dogs were pugs and they were excellent companions. Then we moved on to Lily the AmStaff and she was awesome but a bit too big and had the whole crazy disease thing happen.
Well my niece works at a Humane Society in El Paso and she sent us info about this adorable little guy named Baboon. He's 9 weeks old and was abandoned. He had some issues when he came in but they fixed all of that, chipped him, neutered him and we can get him in about a month. Hoping it all works out. We will probably change his name. Pics if it happens.
Awesome and great looking doggie. Best wishes for everything going as planned !

Unless they find some weird health issues, everything should be smooth. The rescue organisation sent us a few videos of her, and she looks like an amazing little buddy. Apparently she has energy for days, which will probably take some getting used to, but will be super nice for going on long hikes and, if she's up for it after a while, camping trips.

Also, thanks, your pictures of hiking with Sonny and Autumn were the final nudge from looking into the possibility to actually getting everything in place to go for it :)
Lola has picked up a stomach bug, coincidentally in the same week day care sent out a message saying not to bring your dog in if it's carrying a bug that's going around as it might spread :gah:

Bit of vomit yesterday and she was numb to the world last night when I got up to pee but she seems to be a bit better today.
Lola's perked up but still a bit loose on the old number 2s :chow:

On the upside I spoke with the new gaffer and she's allowed back in the pub down the road :grin:
Lola's perked up but still a bit loose on the old number 2s :chow:

On the upside I spoke with the new gaffer and she's allowed back in the pub down the road :grin:
Lola Mojo...and best probably wait till the 2's have firmed up before going to the pub...don't wa na get banned again :cop:
I won't go into the gory details but from 1am until 8am on the hour she woke us up.

The living room rug no longer ties the room together

I shall wear crocs when traversing to the hot tub later.

She's finally eaten some chicken but is looking all kinds of miserable.

Hopefully she's over the worst of it.
I won't go into the gory details but from 1am until 8am on the hour she woke us up.

The living room rug no longer ties the room together

I shall wear crocs when traversing to the hot tub later.

She's finally eaten some chicken but is looking all kinds of miserable.

Hopefully she's over the worst of it.

You think the rug shitters did this?

He's been through a lot, poor guy. Respiratory infection, some kind of rectal issue and something else. They've got him all healed up and he's a little wiggle butt doorknob head.
My 6 year old wanted to name him fruit loop. lol